
Detailed Information
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Stacioni Autobuzave Durres
Cristoffer Cedergren (07/18/2019)
This is NOT the MAIN bus station for long time buses to example Podgorica
Bleta Dixhitale (03/12/2017)
easy access from main road
Antonio Basha (03/20/2017)
Bus stop also a square for taxi
Gladchuk Vadym (07/25/2016)
Here you can find not only buses. Taxi stop here. Dozens of taxi drivers waiting for you to take in every corner of Albania. There is also a place to change currency at the hands of a higher rate than banks. Not only can buses be found here. Here is a taxi stop. Dozens of taxi drivers are waiting for you to drive to any corner of Albania. It is also a place where you can change your currency at a higher exchange rate than at banks or exchanges.
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