
Detailed Information
Diözese Graz-Seckau - Bischöfliches Priesterseminar
Diözese Graz-Seckau - Bischöfliches Priesterseminar
Diözese Graz-Seckau - Bischöfliches Priesterseminar
Diözese Graz-Seckau - Bischöfliches Priesterseminar
Diözese Graz-Seckau - Bischöfliches Priesterseminar
Dominik Johannes Wagner (12/10/2019)
Here, the University of Graz was founded by Jesuits, where the academic life in Graz began. To this day, it is a center of comprehensive education - both in the context of the seminary, as well as with regard to the diocesan archives, the diocesan museum, the world house and the cath. Education Center. They are all based here. Many think tanks come together there. Even the snowman in the courtyard should be a thought-provoking impulse: he sees in the mirror of his meltwater a bell and a clock - from the transience, life wants to be fathomed and celebrated ...
László Urbán (12/05/2019)
Uniform red colors.
Peter Ninaus (05/20/2018)
Snowman sculpture
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