
Detailed Information
Jakov Bikić (12/07/2018)
The apartment is solid but from the apartment to the center there is a long walk because the apartment is on a high hill. Also, I left the car in the yard of the apartment and that yard can only be opened by the owner. When I wanted to go somewhere with the car (at 11:30AM) the owner was not there and did not appear on the cell phone. Only after more than 1 hour the owner answered with the words: "Do you really a car?" Very bad and not professional. Also, the owner wanted me to pay in advance, but I did not have enough money and she kept my driver's license. When I sent her SMS if she could bring me back my license, she did not say anything. The owner adjusts the cash flow so he gets more money. Miserably! Apartman je solidan ali do centra ima dugo za šetati jer se apartman nalazi na visokom brijegu. Također, automobil sam ostavio u dvorištu apartmana i to dvorište može otvoriti samo vlasnica. Kada sam poželio otići negdje s autom (u 11:30) vlasnice nije bilo i nije se javljala na mobitel. Tek nakon više od 1 sat vlasnica se javila uz riječi:“ Jeli Vam hitno ići sa automobilom?“ Jako loše i ne profesionalno. Također, vlasnica je htjela da platim unaprijed, no ja nisam imao dovoljno novca, te je zadržala moju vozačku dozvolu. Kada sam joj poslao SMS može li mi je vratit da mogu voziti, nije ništa odgovorila. Također vlasnica zaračunava tečaj tako da dobije više novca. Sve u svemu šteta novca!
Dudo Ka (02/25/2021)
Similar place
Idbar 88404, Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 61 337 522