
Detailed Information
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Cachoeira Itatiaia
Davi Kawasaki (01/27/2020)
Amazing view, with a considerable steep walk, with some challenges along the way. Just park the car in the adventure Inn ecorsini and follow the blue stake indicators. It will reach a point that you can't see it anymore, just push through inside the trees and obstacles, always following the sound of the water. You'll have to go through some relatively challenging stairs and balancing through logs, but the view compensates it all. Gather all your trash and bring with you.
Alex Aparecido dias da Silva (11/21/2019)
Davidson Rodrigues (08/26/2019)
Alisson Souza (11/14/2019)
Junio Alex Souza da Silva (12/29/2020)
Bonita linda aguas claras, mas infelizmente o bicho animal homem urbano suja depreda e destroe tudo o que ve e tem acesso, levam lixo e deixam na natureza que NÃO produz lixo, deviam cortar a bebida alcóolica do mundo. Prestar bastante atenção na descida da Cachoeira, muito ingreme e escorregadio, principalmente em epocas de chuva.
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