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Abbotsford Courthouse
Abbotsford Courthouse
배희천 (09/26/2020)
This place is corrupted, I can't believe Canada Justice is like this
David Pride (05/01/2019)
Another one of the institutions ensuring the torture of single parent families continues on endlessly and needlessly. In other countries these matters are resolved in single days and parties are more than 90 percent content with the outcomes. I do not understand how Canada can possibly benefit from such poor systems and practice of laws that only create more problems than they cure. Any young professional family considering residing and contributing to this country must be aware of the serious risk they undertake in having their lives turned upside down completely and permanently with the borders of Canada and even outside of the country. In today's world relationships end physiologically after 5 years and become dysfunctional shortly after around or even before that period. Now as single parents you will most likely suffer extreme abuse by the Canadian systems which do not equally treat your wealth or parenting rights with respect at all. These judge Judy court systems allow lies hearsay evidence and employ social workers to invade your personal spaces steal your children and if your lucky not permanently cause damage or even jail you for lack of funds or the poverty which the expensive system forces you to pay for any remote hope at all if any for justice. Do not even attempt to place your family at risk raising a child here as any false complaint by any disgruntled person like your landlord anyone can be accepted as the wholly gospel and remove your ability to even talk on video to your child. This occurs regularly it is a third arm of the law and any types of action you are involved in like activism etc these systems can be used as stealthy weapons of destruction to your personal life forever. As a whistle blower of these and other problems I have suffered by others extreme actions based merely on their opinion of situations which they created by their own incompetence. Poverty due to the extreme waste of time made even assuming a male will be able to have any parenting rights whatsoever in BC. As a widower the discrimination by others and society in general was unbearable to an extreme degree. It truly is impossible to achieve any respect as a father in this country which has the lowest amount of parenting time in the world for single male parents. As well the second stage of legal empowerment involved child protection services so after your wealth has been fully extracted by the first system that damage will be used as a weapon to permanently affect your ability to parent and also could include personal attacks to your mental health as well based on extremely bias statistical data showing that 90 percent of all of these cases involve issues of poverty and extreme poverty in some situations. Canada especially B.C. is not a safe place to raise a family as their are many ways your life can be disrupted merely for profit and extortion by those in charge whose services are only triggered by any opposing party at their discretion. If you live in a dream world with no opposition to any of your views then you are almost safe. if any of your work or views are designed to help curve or change society at large even for the better then you are already a target just waiting to be harmed. This is just a stealthy way of controlling individuals just as duterte used a gun while Canada uses fentanyl to kill addicts there is no difference but in Canada the damage is covered up and hidden very elaborately. Any type of mis-behavior at all can be repaired by the usage of stealthy systems of practice by a regime in control of Canada. And these systems intent is to discredit an individual based on public opinion of the situation they moulded. Beware if you are entering into a vengant battle you have already lost as a man in Canada. Any child will cost you upwards of $100,000.00 no matter what income you have or what the real costs are involved. Expect no visitation whatsoever as the courts encourage protecting alienating parents. An only realistic option is to start over in a Country that respects fathers and single parents.
Navraj Sangha (03/07/2019)
Very helpful small claims dept
Guest Guest (02/16/2018)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that laws in Canada should be based on EVIDENCE. If there is a unconstitutional law in Canada, which there is, is it possible to fight against the unconstitutional laws all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada? Or is it true that Canadians have to live with unconstitutional laws for which there is NO EVIDENCE to support it? RIGHTS ARE NEVER GIVEN. RIGHTS ARE BEING FOUGHT FOR. I AM FIGHTING FOR CANADIAN RIGHTS RIGHT NOW! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this human world, you do NOT worship anyone except God. Those judges (God wannabees) having others calling them "YOUR WORSHIP" are ruthless. Today, I saw a single mom guilty of cellular phone usage while driving, being fined for $300.00 after she pleaded for leniency. She is in tears and can hardly afford food for her baby and rent. When the judge or the law accuses her of being a dangerous driver, that is a questionable statement, NOT proven by EVIDENCE, BUT THIS TYPE OF SENTENCE AGAINST INDIVIDUALS LIKE HER, OFTEN IS A DEATH PENALTY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. IT REALLY TAKES A GOD TO PUNISH SOMEONE LIKE THIS, WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. The Canadian government likes to claim that cellular phone usage while driving is dangerous, then why is it that police officers using cellular phones or other electronic communication devices more than any driver on the road do NOT get into motor vehicle accidents more than others? Well, with the current system of corruption, they probably make it so that Canadians cannot even challenge unconstitutional laws in the Supreme Court of Canada. The whole system is being rigged to punish the vulnerable people who depend on cellular phones or other electronic communication devices on their work routine, for example, taxi drivers, tow truck drivers, delivery drivers, trades drivers, etc. Unconstitutional laws have always existed in the legal system since the beginning of the legal system. If the victims of unconstitutional laws cannot challenge those unconstitutional laws in court, then that really shows the true color of Canada's legal system. What is the definition of "God"? God is a being with absolute power that creates all things including defining good and evil, right and wrong, etc. When you have judges who are merely humans pretending to be Gods and expecting other people to call them Gods, and they act like having God's authority and power, then there is definitely going to be trouble. Calling yourselves Gods when you are actually NOT is called Blasphemy. I used to live in the United States and went to the traffic courts in the United States a few times. NONE of the judges in the United States call themselves Gods. In fact, the judges in the United States are quite humble, and they are concerned when others accusing them of having unconstitutional laws. However, here in Canada, a country that is much weaker than the United States HAVE NO REGARD FOR THE CONSTITUTION and having judges calling themselves Gods. NO WONDER EVEN PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP OF THE UNITED STATES IS CALLING CANADA A LAWLESS COUNTRY. EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD KNOWS CANADA IS A LAWLESS COUNTRY, HAVING NO REGARD FOR THE CHARTER, THE CONSTITUTION! Humans are below the Law of the Land. However, if humans exalt themselves to be Gods, then they are above the Law of the Land. The legal system in Canada is people claiming to be Gods, making up the rules and claims, and you cannot even challenge them because they consider themselves as Gods. The law requires EVIDENCE. However, if you judges claim to be Gods, then evidence is NOT required for sentencing others. HOWEVER, ARE YOU JUDGES REALLY GODS WHO SEE IT ALL AND KNOW IT ALL; THEREFORE, EVIDENCE IS NOT REQUIRED??? Next time when I attend court proceedings, I am going to bring a copy of the Charter, and I will go through it point by point with the so called "God Judge", tell his or her so called "deity" that if you do NOT follow the Charter written on this piece of paper, then I am stepping out of the court room.
James Mitchell (06/13/2018)
It is true that canada is a lawless country. The family law act is corrupted and unfair. We have no rights and the judges (are the law). Its a disgusting justice system we have here. In a country where being a father to your child is not a right and can be taken away at anytime. In a country where fathers are called deadbeats when they are defeated by the unfair laws forged by old men and women who play god and claim to be "Honourable", And greedy lawyers who care nothing about people only their wallets. In my case I was self represented, my ex spouse is on welfare, never worked a day in her life gets a free lawyer, lies about paternity, forces me to pay for a DNA test as she denied I was biological father. Then I was backed into a corner to pay visitation supervisors money I didnt have to see my daughter. I simply gave in to the abuse from this court house, became severely depressed, got laid off from my job, now being victimized by family maintenece to pay thousands of dollars based on a yearly income Ive never received, and back dated during a time the mother was knowingly lying that a was the father to keep me from seeing my daughter. Again I am defeated by this corrupted courthouse and the judges, Its disgusting how a women can walk in and lie about anything and even if your prove that she lied she will still be praised by the courts. FAMILY LAW NEEDS REFORM. AND THE JUDGES AT THIS COURTHOUSE NEED TO BE FIRED, LOSE THERE PENTIONS AND GO STRAIGHT TO HELL WHERE THEY BELONG. NO MAN CAN PLAY GOD!
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