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밴쿠버 평안교회
밴쿠버 평안교회
밴쿠버 평안교회
밴쿠버 평안교회
Suzie Moon (10/10/2019)
In God we are all one family! Meet the Lord and find peace in our peace church like a true family. The pastor's sermons are good, and I am so happy to live in Vancouver because of the children who grow up in faith under the word of you. I feel like I'm coming to Pyongan Church and seeing our Lord, who was a little far from Korea. I hope you will enjoy the blessing of true fellowship with the delicious food after the service. Come to all peace churches ~ ^ ^
Joo Young Lee (10/09/2019)
An exemplary church, an immigrant church that serves each other and cares for each other with love. Each church is different from the others, but the church is as rich as a bowl of bibimbap. It's a place where you wait like 2:30 Sunday. Last Sunday is the most delicious bibimbap in the world, so the whole fellowship is also coming ^^
Shalom (05/11/2019)
Warm and full of love like a family!
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