
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address 340 34 Plánice, Czechia
  • Coordinate 49.3827414,13.5006349
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.7
  • Compound Code 9GM2+37 Plánice, Czechia
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Ales Marek (07/18/2018)
A beautiful place of pilgrimage, about 8 minutes walk towards Planica is the chapel of St. Anny with radioactive sources. In the direction of the planice about 9 minutes walk Baroque statue of St. Jan Nepomucke and a little gave the prospect of spiritual reflection on the world. Very nice prospect
Berg Murmel (07/10/2019)
We like the small pretty well kept churches away from the hustle and bustle.
Petr Koldovský (03/20/2018)
The beautiful Baroque Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the settlement of Nicov near Plánice was built in 1726 according to the project of the architect Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. The church, standing near the healing spring, is protected as a cultural monument of the Czech Republic.
Petr Hoffmann (08/21/2018)
Beautiful church from the outside, unfortunately closed, as usual.
Zdeněk Česák (07/20/2019)
Nice trip
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