
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address Palackého 339 01, 339 01 Klatovy, Czechia
  • Coordinate 49.3971639,13.296848
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.7
  • Compound Code 97WW+VP Klatovy, Czechia
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Kaple Panny Marie Klatovské - Chaloupka
Vladimir Pecha (01/26/2020)
The Baroque chapel was built in 1696 on the site of the cottage of the Hirsperks, whose painting of the Virgin Mary in 1685 caused a miracle and was therefore transferred to the nearby Archdeacon Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. In 1725, Anna Terezie Fux of Wallburg had a hospital at the chapel. The Baroque Chapel was built in 1696 on the site of the previous cottage of the Hirsperks family, whose painting of Virgin Mary in 1685 caused a miracle and was transferred to the nearby Archdeacon Church of the Nativity of Virgin Mary. In 1725, Anna Terezie Fux from Wallburg financed a hospital at the chapel.
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