
Detailed Information
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Přírodní památka Kovářův mlýn
Eva Jordan (05/20/2019)
The natural monument is the area of ​​the excavated quarry on the bank of Oleška, where a mill used to stand, from which a very small part remained. Very nice area for walking, cycling path leads through here.
Stepan Fikr (05/12/2018)
The natural monument Kovářův mlýn is an old slate quarry on the left bank of the Oleška, about 400 m west of the church in the village of Košťálov. Paleontological site of Permian flora and fauna. Sedimentary rocks of the Lower Permian (autun), especially green-gray siltstones, arkoses and bituminous claystones, stratigraphically belonging to the Vrchlabí Formation (Rudnice horizon). The quarry was established for the extraction of so-called flammable shale (bituminous claystones with an admixture of a sandy component), which were mined here by the locals at the beginning of the 20th century. These rocks belong stratigraphically to the so-called ore horizon lying in the Lower Permian, but almost on the border with the Carboniferous. Paleontological research has been carried out here since the middle of the last century. Professor A. Frič described several species of amphibians, sharks and fish vertebrates of the Acanthodii group.
Milan Hyka (06/20/2018)
Relaxation, nice nature
Eva Robkova (02/09/2018)
Similar place
Rozmarýnová, 637 00 Brno-Brno-Jundrov, Czechia
+420 541 220 208