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CB Smíchov
CB Smíchov
Ivona Stancik (11/10/2019)
I have experience with Jan Valeš (preacher). My experience with him is very negative. It is very similar to the experience of ETS students who have left school early. Jan Valeš manipulates people, lies - even in e-mails, forcing people to make life choices that they would never make of their own will, driving them to real despair, students concluded that the only way to take his behavior towards them depriving them of running away from him, that is voluntarily giving up school, so they left one by one. Jan Valeš defames former students and lies about them because they left because they were arguing with each other. Jan Valeš always has a crowd of fans and fans around him who are bound to admire him and his "leadership" essentially wants to see him as his second savior. Personally, Jan Valeš completely destroyed my life. He lied to me in phone calls and e-mails when I figured it out completely. He deprived me consciously of work, of friends in whom I have invested in relationships for years, of health, of years of life. Jan Valeš is a perfect liar and manipulator who uses faith in the God of those around him for his own purposes. It is hard to know right away, it has perfect rhetoric, mouth full of God and John Hus, all smiles and charming behavior, surrounded by people who still praise him, not even speak behind his back about anyone else .. But I'm not alone who doubts his manipulation , there are former students and two ETS professors who have drawn attention to this.//I have served myself to children and young people from orphanages. In the summer of 2016, Jan Valeš started emailing me to go to ETS. I was really thinking about it, a certificate would come in handy for my service. Jan Valeš promised me in writing the subjects and the curriculum, the study days he had devised entirely to gain a student. He was lying and consciously lying. All I found out on September 1. When I found out that the subjects, and the curriculum he offered, had never been planned to open at all, I couldn't believe he was so openly lying. But it was so. And his lying and manipulation continued until I realized that the only way to get rid of this characterless manipulator with perfect rhetoric and mouth full of God was to give up school and leave. Until then, I tried to find solutions - in vain (for him the solution is not the goal, his goal is to get you where he wants you). Personally, it cost me a loss of years of career, a loss of all clients and earnings, I got a lot sick and went through very serious malnutrition, I lost my hair, etc. I was a beautiful woman who dreamed of her own family and children about having a house. But I lost all that and I can't describe my crying. I called and wrote to all my supposed friends, but they cursed me and totally refused me- Jan Valeš defamed me and they believed him - that was very painful during my malnutrition, nobody helped me. Jan Valeš, therefore, behind my back - as I learned - very much defamed me. I was also defamed by Zdeněk Vojtíšek and he wrote a public e-mail about me, admonishing me, humiliating me, publicly defaming me and praising Jan Valeš and ETS in the heavens. He received praise from Jan Valeš for this e-mail - someone needs little to rejoice, regardless of humiliating the other and depriving them of friendly relationships. I ended up literally all alone, and went through my life tragedy. I tried to take any work in this disease, it was a real hell. Finally, due to the sudden financial lability, I was refused a mortgage. So instead of my own housing I pay rent in my poverty: (... Even today, after 4 years, my life is not right. I am still dealing with serious health problems, I still do not have a stable income, nor have new relationships or old ones back Jan Valeš and Zdenek Vojtíšek believe their defamation), I still can't do sports as before, nor is my beauty back - on the contrary :( I have neither of my dreams - neither children, nor family, nor house. And children from orphanages have never seen me again :( They have been asking me for a long time, they missed their spiritual mother ... and grew up without it, without common prayers and also without Christ .. THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO EXPERIENCE !! WITH J.Valeš BIG ARC !!
Ivan Bok (05/21/2019)
Somewhat outdated spaces full of nice, cultivated people.
Petr Janoušek (11/24/2017)
A church for all generations with a great preacher 😇
David Kašper (01/20/2017)
A church with a good and thoughtful offer for all ages.
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