
Detailed Information
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Petr Koldovský (12/30/2020)
The Baroque Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was built in 1714 on the site of a former chapel from 1385. In 1846, the church was converted into a tomb of the Lobkowicz family, which still serves this purpose today.
Drahuš Vainerová (05/31/2019)
Unsatisfactory church status. The Communist era has been terrific here. A sad look at the destroyed, historical artifacts ☹️☹️.
Daniel Stetka (08/30/2019)
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