
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address Školní 10, 471 25 Jablonné v Podještědí, Czechia
  • Coordinate 50.7642914,14.761002
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.5
  • Compound Code QQ76+PC Jablonné v Podještědí, Czechia
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Kostel Narození Panny Marie
Ja Sl (08/10/2020)
Church of St. Crosses, later the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is one of the oldest buildings in the city. At the time, an extraordinarily large parish church must have had a rich donor. This was a member of the Markvartice family, Havel from Lemberk, who married Mrs. Zdislav (canonized in 1995). The building is being rebuilt several times. After the devastating fire of the city in 1778, it was not restored and the parish was transferred to the church of St. Lawrence. Later, the building was rebuilt into a brewery and beer was brewed here until 1933. After the war, it was nationalized and some primary school classes were located here. The building has not been used since 1973. Fixed roof and tower used for a lookout with a magnificent view of the city and surroundings. 176 steps lead to the tower.
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