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sg (01/15/2021)
A school that advertises to be against racism, but proves exactly the opposite. At school I saw how easy it is to get the sign “A school without racism - school with courage”. The sign has absolutely nothing to say. How often have my “non-German friends” and I experienced that we cannot get a good grade because of our appearance. Be it through the headscarf or through the color of the eyes and hair. All you need to do is have blue eyes and blonde hair to get your high school diploma with a good average at school. With almost all teachers (very few were fair) you had to fight for satisfactory grades, while others had to do nothing and were given good grades. Even a teacher who has spoken out against headscarves and has two reminders may continue to teach at the school in order to give all girls with a headscarf 0 points in the German Abitur. The effort for nothing makes it quite frustrating to keep going to school, even though you can see that other students do differently. Often we cried in the toilet and got excited because we didn't understand why ??? I really don't like thinking back to that time. Unfortunately, I have hardly any good memories, almost only bad ones. Although I graduated from high school (with a lot of effort and tightly), the anger still comes up today. My average at any other school could have been so much better. Because of racism this school is definitely not recommended! And you should think twice about whether you really want to go to school.
Kerstin Bauer (09/27/2020)
I've been going to this school for a year and a half and it's just great. Ali's kiosk has everything your heart desires. Many teachers are friendly and I have made many friends, much better than my primary school
agent_santiago (11/05/2020)
school is actually quite ok, but I like the cleaning man named Helmut best. Even if I only see him every Friday and sometimes during the breaks he is always nice to me. Sometimes I tell him jokes and I think he is me also likes. # bff
Lale Toupka (10/01/2020)
The secretariat is profoundly RESPECTLESS !!! I just wanted my iServ password and they yell at me right away! Not recommendable
bts für immer fan kpop (09/28/2020)
VALLAH ALI IS THE GREATEST HONOR MAN HAHAHAHA oh and go to school and can therefore say from experience that there are teachers who are really nice and try to get everyone to follow up on topics (woman stepping) and then there are teachers who yell at you if you only have one did little thing wrong. Vallah I love woman because of her three stars. Oh and stay away from Mr. Rosenbaum who once had a real tantrum and kicked chairs and tables and made children from the class cry HAHAHAHAH. Oh, and I'm here because of @gabrieeelsamy HAHAHHA FOLLOW HIM
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Flutweg 62, 47228 Duisburg, Germany
+49 2065 92980