
Detailed Information
C W (01/20/2020)
With various complaints and the (though own) suspicion of a CMD after a long odyssey through the various specialist areas, my friend eventually became aware of Dr von Peschke and made an appointment. First of all you have to say that both the doctor and the team were very friendly and went out of their way to answer our questions. The individually adjusted diagnostic bite block fit very well and was adjusted several times within the three days that an initial examination required. There was also something about the complaints that spoke diagnostically for a CMD, but the changes - even after several weeks of wear - were not such that we could have said that the corresponding "operative" tooth adjustment was an (even approximate) Healing could have meant. However, this speaks neither against the work of the practice nor against the quality of the bite block, but only for the fact that CMD is either not my girlfriend's problem or at least is clearly not in the foreground. Too bad. So the search continues. However, we regret the consultation with Dr. by Peschke absolutely not. We always had the feeling that we were in good hands and can hardly criticize the fact that there is no CMD or that it is not primarily responsible for the complaints. Regarding the costs, it should be said that it is simply the case that the diagnosis due to the individual preparation of the bite block and the time that the practice spends in diagnostics and the adjustments of the splint is now expensive and these costs are not borne by the health insurance companies be taken over. However, all of this is also clear and transparent on the website of Dr. published by Peschke, so you shouldn't be surprised about this fact. A word about the doctor himself: Dr. von Peschke is certainly a very special character, but perfectly tolerable and (but not endlessly) patient. In any case, we have noticed absolutely nothing of arrogance or unfriendliness. Greetings to Kiel and thank you for the effort.
Frederik B (08/10/2019)
At the time I became aware of the practice through the many good Jameda reviews - even if there were still negative reviews at the time. Funny, that there are not that many anymore. The costs that are stated in other reviews, I can confirm. With a successful treatment I would also find this appropriate. In the course of the treatment, I was fitted with permanent temporaries, with which I felt that I only had bigger problems than before the treatment. By default, in the course of treatment, it always happened when something did not fit: it was my fault. I would not have enough patience, you could wear the snack kit for only a few weeks and and and ... The real goal of a stable and functional bite was just missed in my opinion. Thankfully, I did not opt ​​for the final restoration with crowns and looked for a new dentist. The treatment with my current dentist has been completed in the meantime. Today I am completely healed, have a perfect bite and no complaints of temporomandibular joints. The result is also visually an eye-catcher.
Victoria Vinividivici (11/01/2019)
Not recommendable! I was not helped there, it only cost me a lot of money. Dr. Peschke writes in his review that a Aufbissbehelf- so a 3-day appointment costs no ¬ 3000, no it costs only 2700 ¬, but many, maybe even more. So first appointment 490 € + second appointment Aufbissbehelfs / rail 1900 € in addition to an Advisory call: 27.56 € x2- and if 3-4Mal per day of Aufbissbehelf- so the rail is controlled, it costs 35.43 € x6 each time -8 times. And the track must also be 1 time in the Month are controlled, so come additionally 27.56 + 35.43 + 14.40 for the preparation of a cure and cost plan. So, everything together loosely over 3000 ¬ and that's only for the rail. Prosthetics over 40.Tsd. €.
asdasd asdasdasd (03/09/2020)
One of the doctors who only became a dentist because of the money. I mean looks him in the face: D
Nices Cies (07/18/2019)
Unfortunately not recommended, please save the money! I was very manipulated by his side and have in a group of affected cmd members experienced and made the experience that not even an improvement of the complaints was reached!
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