
Detailed Information
Simone Dornegger (03/15/2019)
Our daughter has been attending school since the school year 2015/2016 (7th grade) also since summer 2015 had Mr. Tafferner took over the management. In retrospect, I am glad that this change took place from the state school. If you choose this school, you will soon realize that Mr. Tafferner is behind his school. The school is based in the natural sciences and technical field, where excursions are then undertaken. Other aspects: No homework, as all-day school; No loss of time when teachers are sick; Special exam preparation courses in the 10th grade; Exam / final exam to prepare for the oral exams and much more.
Taff Taff (12/08/2016)
I will not pay attention to RS in the following text and summarize my experience of 2J. Since I also went to class with others who were at school for a longer period, I will also pick up some experiences from them. One could even experience me in the 2 years. The school's reputation was countless times more important than the needs of the students. We were practically kept on a short leash and only towards the end has the "leash" relaxed. The contracts and the amounts that the school demanded were not enormous but varied. As the many amounts which literally for "every last shit" has been demanded. This so-called playground is actually the yard of a hookah bar, which regularly occupied the courtyard. Now for this lunch class you have to pay until the 9th with this "study time", which is a pure squat at school. The lunch from the cathering service is rarely edible. By that I mean especially that the food arrived in bad shape and has no taste. Now one asks himself: "why do not you just go out and eat somewhere else?" Well, as I mentioned earlier, we were kept on a short leash and only in the 10th grade had the "freedom" to eat outside. I know her before I went to school, on her website with certificates and a student library, but this was almost at the end of my time at the school built. Well, what can I say about teacher competence? It's complicated. It happened to a class that a teacher had taught them the wrong stuff, and then they had problems with the stuff of the subsequent grade. There have been a couple of screams between student and teacher, which resulted in the teacher being insulted. I now have problems keeping up with the new school because I lack a lot of basics that I did not get taught. But the school is now not a pure carbine of evil. There were also some good moments. There were also teachers where you realize that you care about them and do a lot for the class. The lessons were fun for them. I would like to list more moments, but I would have to think about that for too long. Well then, let's come to a conclusion. I will write one for students and one for parents. For the student: Do not expect that you will encounter any "rich scamps" or anything like that here. You could say, here you meet a series of chaotic (included me). These all have a reason why they are here, because they are all taken (money is money). There is no smv, physical education is at a girls' school and they are small classes. Maximum 15 students. One more thing, do not buy their laptop for 300 euros. Get somewhere an offer or use your own, because every other laptop is far better in this price range. For the parents: Think about it and look for alternatives, because there are certainly better equipped schools than these. The subject teachers have been changed so often and even inexperienced teachers have been drafted. The contract is recommended to read completely. The amount is adjusted to the salary. Nevertheless, you have to pay the bonus lesson + food extra (I had to pay this bonus lesson even though I did not have it anymore). There was still a material amount in these pens and notebooks should get, which I know, according to me only folders were carried. This is a summary of experiences and experiences at the Ulrich-Walter school, which I have described as a recession. In doing so, I do not want to influence anyone but to help with my choice of school.
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