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Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Tiger & Turtle
Jutta Mergner (05/15/2017)
Tiger & Turtle (Duisburg) With this spectacular landmark in Angerpark, Duisburg has set a landmark of the ultimate. The only walk-on roller coaster in the world is perched at a height of 20 meters and can be seen from a distance on Heinrich Hildebrand Höhe in southern Duisburg. With its shimmering silvery curves, the sculpture creates a special place. Seen from a distance, we think of funfair, rapid acceleration and the intoxicating feeling of looping. A closer look at a height of 85 meters above sea level (with good, clear weather) opens up an impressive view over the Rhine: from the blast furnaces of the Krupp Mannesmann ironworks to the port facilities to the Rheinpreussen (Moers) heap with the landmark of the huge pit lamp , Conclusion: a very small heap. There is only one way to go up and down. The monument shows an impressive size at the top which is NOT accessible throughout. The looping is blocked on both sides. At the stairway we were greeted by 15-20 Sinti & Romas who accompanied us both up and down. We were able to park free of charge on Hermann-Rinne-Straße directly opposite the tennis club home with dining options "Am Tiger & Turtle"