
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address Plaza Castejón, 8, 42100 Ágreda, Soria, Spain
  • Coordinate 41.853714,-1.9200553
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.5
  • Compound Code V33H+FX Ágreda, Spain
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Yanguas
susana jimenez (02/23/2019)
Of this church, built in the sixteenth century the apse covered with ribbed vault is preserved. In the abutments you can see some carved shields. The ruin is in a state of abandonment. The church was abandoned when the cult of the Virgin of Miracles was moved to the church of the convent of San Agustín, as it is more sumptuous.n nOriginally San Martin was consecrated and, later, its dedication was changed to that of Nuestra Señora de Yanguas, name with which it is identified at present, since it was the locals of that population who repopulated the Barrio de la Peña, where it is located. Popularly it is also called as the Old Virgin or Our Lady of the River. In the middle of the XIX century (1857), part of the religious structure and the feet of the nave were demolished, the head of which only the Main Chapel remains, patronage of the Castejón family. It has a rectangular floor plan, with walls articulated in sections by semi-columns with attached baquetones. Outside the wall and buttresses of the south side are visible, being embedded in the current buildings those of the north and east sides. Of some of them stands out the ornamentation of the façade with an ogee arch and framed windows and latticework in the lintel. The building was affected by the paving in Antonio Street, attached to the temple, to connect Arco Street with Plaza Castejón. In the adaptation of its surroundings came to light the cemetery area that housed inside the ship, dated from the late sixteenth century to the last decades of the eighteenth.
BAROJA POR EL MUNDO : (02/23/2019)
Of this church, built in the sixteenth century the apse covered with ribbed vault is preserved. In the abutments you can see some carved shields. The ruin is in a state of abandonment. The church was abandoned when the cult of the Virgin of Miracles was moved to the church of the convent of San Agustín, as it is more sumptuous.n nOriginally San Martin was consecrated and, later, its dedication was changed to that of Nuestra Señora de Yanguas, name with which it is identified at present, since it was the locals of that population who repopulated the Barrio de la Peña, where it is located. Popularly it is also called as the Old Virgin or Our Lady of the River. In the middle of the XIX century (1857), part of the religious structure and the feet of the nave were demolished, the head of which only the Main Chapel remains, patronage of the Castejón family. It has a rectangular floor plan, with walls articulated in sections by semi-columns with attached baquetones. Outside the wall and buttresses of the south side are visible, being embedded in the current buildings those of the north and east sides. Of some of them stands out the ornamentation of the façade with an ogee arch and framed windows and latticework in the lintel. The building was affected by the paving in Antonio Street, attached to the temple, to connect Arco Street with Plaza Castejón. In the adaptation of its surroundings came to light the cemetery area that housed inside the ship, dated from the late sixteenth century to the last decades of the eighteenth. n nPossibility of putting in value the constructive remains and their surroundings. Any type of work allowed by current legislation is authorized, always with the application of what is stipulated in these standards for the level of protection proposed. Any work that entails affection on the property must have the permits of the Competent Organisms in the matter of Culture, who will determine on the actions to follow in each case. It will tend to the conservation of the structural remains linked to the building and / or singular (paraments, emblems, shields, singular pieces, etc.,) being priority the actions related to its research, restoration, conservation, documentation (through archaeological excavations, stratigraphic soundings, application of analytical, wall readings, etc.) put in value and, in general, any other that results in greater knowledge and protection of the good and its environment. To this end, the appropriate projects will be drafted, which will be authorized by the competent regional administration. Regarding the intervention in the building, the stipulations of the catalog sheets of the Special Plan on the element will be met. n nAny type of work allowed by current legislation is authorized, always with the application of what is stipulated in these standards for the level of protection proposed. Archaeological surveys will be carried out in the delimited area. Its methodology, number and disposition will be coordinated with the competent body in matters of protection of Historical Heritage. In minor works of urbanization and infrastructure or any other that involves earth movements of little or affect previously altered areas, it will be possible to modify the methodology, changing the test probes for the realization of archaeological controls of earth movements, provided that is justified in a reasoned manner. If from its result the need to extend the archaeological intervention based on the importance of the findings is deduced, we will proceed with stratigraphic soundings of greater module or in open area and / or continue with archaeological controls. Before the realization of earth movements in the delimited zone archaeologically control all those clearings that involve affection of levels under Cota O.
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