
Detailed Information
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Public school Tenerías
Cinasa (03/12/2020)
A school where the good of the students is not taken into account, total disorder, lack of communication, lack of desire in a word, I do not recommend it in any way.
Gerardo Chueca (01/24/2019)
I am very happy with the treatment received by the school. They are a team of great professionals and we have received all the necessary support from the beginning.
Carmen Flores Moraga (08/14/2017)
Parami is a quiet place you can walk
Enrique Cabrero (08/09/2017)
High quality bilingual school.
rdb28 db (03/27/2018)
It is not a good school at all ... we have changed the children ..
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Rúa Xalon, s/n, 36318 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
+34 886 12 01 75
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+34 937 77 98 38