
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Church
  • Address Diseminado Sta Maria de Buil, 1, 22330 Santa María de Buil, Huesca, Spain
  • Coordinate 42.3667913,0.0900855
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.3
  • Compound Code 938R+P2 Santa María de Buil, Spain
iglesia de San Miguel
iglesia de San Miguel
iglesia de San Miguel
Carlos Comet (07/29/2020)
Error, Sant Martí de BoïlnIn another remote place, it is usually worth it. Think the Arans came before, about 10 or 12 centuries ago, hahaha.
Elissondo Robert (07/31/2020)
A village abandoned in the 1960s is being rebuilt for second homes. 11th century church, modified in the 17th century. As often in Aragon the Romanesque art is sober and neat; the landscape which surrounds the monument is magnificent: the upper valley of the Rio Cinca and the Mont Perdu massif.
Antonio Lobero (08/19/2020)
It is a very beautiful Romanesque church that is located in Janovas Huesca.
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