
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Mosque
  • Address Rue Marcel Bugain, 02100 Saint-Quentin, France
  • Coordinate 49.8510518,3.2690388
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 4.5
  • Compound Code V729+CJ Saint-Quentin, France
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Mosquée de Saint-Quentin
Christine Martin (09/02/2020)
Very welcoming and very kind
Mekki Boumaaraf (12/09/2019)
Yes is a Mosque of Saint-Quentin It is a splendid mosque complete with all the necessary measures for prayer. Thank you very much for all the responsible brothers
Aziz Benachmir (12/26/2019)
Salam aleykoum you pray what time on Friday ?? Baarak Allaho fikoum
samir lemgueres (04/06/2018)
مسجد ما شاء الله نظيف و واسع الإخوة القائمون عليه في غاية الأدب و حسن المعاملة الإمام بارك الله فيه جزاكم الله خيرا و اعانكم على خدمة بيوته A clean and spacious mosque; the staff are very active and helpful. I was very satisfied to attend the Friday prayers, the Imam was perfectly clear in these words and his voice is magnificent when he recites the Koran. May God be with you.
TilsCraft (08/18/2019)
This mosque is really very good even the Imam it explains the things jeuste must do once in French and after in Arabic or the opposite but finally it must not mixed 😅
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