
Detailed Information
GASTON VILLA (02/16/2018)
Slatko mjesto za posjetu. Vrlo zanimljivo mjesto, dobro mjesto za posjet, zanimljive i lijepe poglede, nadam se da ću se vratiti, bit ću ovdje nekoliko dana, imao sam sjajan trenutak na ovom dugom izletu. Ja ću nastaviti putovati svijetom, jer mi daje život, zdravlje i kulturu. Dosad sam putovao zrakoplovom, ali ovdje sam upoznao neke prekrasne ljude koji su predložili da putujem morem, ako imate vremena, koje smatram vrlo primamljivim, tako da za sljedeći put moram to učiniti morem, a ja sam motiviran ideja da će postati pozitivna životna avantura. Osim toga, jela su izvrsna, izbornik je raznolik i osoblje je vrhunski, vrlo profesionalno, detaljno upozoravaju na upite zanimljivih i skrivenih mjesta standardnim posjetiteljima, čestitke svima ...! Cute place to visit. A very interesting place, a good place to visit, interesting and beautiful views, I hope to return, I will be here some days, I have had a great time on this long trip. I will continue traveling the world, because it gives me life, health and culture. So far I have traveled by air, but here I met some wonderful people who suggested I travel by sea, if you have time, which I find very tempting, so for the next trip I will do it by sea, I am also motivated by the idea that it will become a positive life adventure. In addition, the meals are exquisite, the menu is varied and the staff is really top-notch, very professional, they make known in detail the queries of interesting and hidden places to standard visitors, congratulations to all.....! Un lindo lugar para visitar. Lugar muy interesante, un buen lugar para visitar, vistas interesantes y hermosas, espero volver, estaré aquí unos días, lo pasé muy bien en este largo viaje. Continuaré viajando por el mundo porque me da vida, salud y cultura. Hasta ahora he viajado en avión, pero aquí conocí a gente guapa que me sugirió ir por el mar, si tiene el tiempo que considero muy tentador, así que la próxima vez que tenga que hacerlo con el mar, y estoy motivado para convertirme en una aventura vital positiva. Además, los platos son excelentes, el menú es variado y el personal es de primera categoría, profesional, avisos detallados de lugares interesantes y escondidos para los visitantes estándar, ¡saludo a todos ...!
Francesca Filograsso (08/19/2019)
One of the largest lighthouses in the archipelago. Well maintained and with a breathtaking view. It can be admired from Latzovo to Miljet. And if you are lucky enough to meet the guardian, you can also visit it.
Leon Carapovic (06/12/2018)
It helps a lot to find the perfect vacation spot
Иван Петров (11/14/2019)
A very picturesque and beautiful place Island in the middle of the sea!
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