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Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Konoba Bare
Madady (08/04/2020)
Amazing restaurant. The waiter who served us was really nice. Good atmosphere. I can really recommend the italian prosciutto with olives. The olives are bitter but the ham is incredible. Another dish i can recommend is the black risotto. It is just great, nothing more to say about it.
Jonny Bravo (07/03/2020)
Tasty food, whatever you order. Very very nice! No kids menu and pasta with truffles dish could be more generous. 5 stars anyhow!
Carlos García (08/19/2020)
Everything started well, the waiter was very kind, received us with a welcome and a smile. He right away suggested some meals as well as explained they were out of goulash and something g else from the menu. When we ordered the food, he was very kind to bring a very good wine (dry Malvazija) and some still water for my son. Besides the entries we order a black risotto, and some fish platter he suggested. As I said everything was fine until the food was taking a bit long. Please bare in mind that when we came restaurant was empty. My other in law asked a lady (who we thought was staff as well) why was it taking long, to which she answered with an attitude “What’s the problem?” We said (everything g in Croatian) no problem, it’s just taking a bit long and my son was hungry. It had already been some 25 mins. The lady walked by again and yet again with an attitude after asking her about food, she replied “this is not fast food, this takes time, I just came, wait.” I stepped up and walked to the kind waiter and said I didn’t like the attitude of the lady to which he replied “I’m sorry but I can not do a thing, she is the owner” ohhh surprise. I’ve eaten in great restaurants in over more than 25 cities around the world and never been treated this way by an owner, of which’s restaurant is charging overpriced money for fried fish and a soggy black risotto. I asked for the bill right away. I paid around €80 aprox. And never heard an apology nor a good attitude, just a good bye from her, while the waiter came and apologized and wished us well. Don’t recommend the place for this issue, but you judge yourself.
Maja Majdanac (08/18/2020)
We lived in three countries, my husband is from the Latin America, we were in a lot of restaurants here in Istria, in Croatia and around the world. The waiter who greeted us initially was very kind, until the owner came and took over the serving. We walked into an empty restaurant and we were the first to order. The entry meal came quickly, thanks to the waiter who greeted us in the beginning. We waited for fries for my son for a quite a long time (more than half an hour) and my mom kindly asked that owner about our order which followed by a very arrogant response, ‘What’s the problem??' ... So she left our table and afterwards brought an order without the french fries. I asked where the fries were, to which she brazenly said, ‘so if you ordered it, it will come! I don't know, I just came now! The risotto takes 20 minutes to cook (my husband's order) !! This is not fast food !! ' my husband who doesn't understand the Croatian, was shocked by the way of how she was addressing me and my mother. We just couldn't believe what kind of behavior this was towards the guests, especially by the owner! We have never been served like this before in our lives! My husband immediately asked for a bill, the food came to us and so everything was fried in oil and it looked like fast food, we would probably be more kindly served in fast food. Horror! One star goes only because of the waiter who was polite and the only one who apologized to us. The owner never even apologized!! I don't know how such arrogant and bitter people can be owners at all, in the beautiful Istria where we always come and bring guests from around the world. Shame! Spare yourself from entering this place, there are plenty of restaurants around that have kind hospitality. ******************** Živjeli smo u tri zemlje, suprug je iz Amerike, bili smo u puno restorana i tu u Istri, po Hrvatskoj i po svijetu. Konobar koji nas je dočekao je bio jako ljubazan, sve dok nije došla vlasnica koja je preuzela posluživanje. Mi smo ušli u prazan restoran i bili smo prvi za naručiti. Predjelo je došlo brzo, zahvaljujući konobaru koji nas je dočekao. Čekali smo pomfrit za sina dosta dugo (više od pola sata) te je moja mama na ljubazan način rekla toj vlasnici da čekamo, na što je uslijedio vrlo drzak i arogantan odgovor, 'U čemu je problem??... Tako je otišla od našeg stola i poslije donijela narudžbu bez pomfrita. Ja sam pitala gdje je pomfrit na što je gospođa ipet drsko rekla,' pa ako ste ga naručili, doći će! Ja ne znam, ja sam sad tek došla! Rižoto se priprema 20 min!! Ovo nije fast food!!' Supruga koji ne razumije hrvatski način obraćanja gospođe prema meni i mami ga je razljutio, jednostavno nismo mogli vjerovati kakvo je to ponašanje prema gostima, posebno od strane vlasnice! Još u životu nigdje nismo bili posluženi na ovakav način! Suprug je odmah tražio račun, jelo nam je prisjelo i tako je sve bilo sprženo u ulju i izgledalo je kao fast food, samo što bi u fast food bili ljubaznije posluženi. Užas! Jedna zvjezdica ide samo zbog konobara koji je bio pristojan i jedini koji nam se ispričao. Ne znam kako uopće ovakvi arogantni i živčani ljudi mogu biti vlasnici, i to u divnoj Istri u koju uvijek dolazimo i dovodimo goste iz svijeta. Sramota! Zaobiđite ovo mjesto i odite negdje u blizini gdje će vas ljubaznije poslužiti.
Roy Sibbald (08/04/2020)
Very interesting food - truffels etc. Good quality. Waiter very friendly!
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