
Detailed Information
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi Agam
Abenk Benk (02/27/2019)
Ricky Nakal (02/09/2018)
Irfan Meiriza (05/24/2017)
Nice Campus
Review Budi (11/24/2018)
When looking at the history of the State Islamic High School (STAIN), it will not be separated from the talk about the history of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN), because STAIN was born from the IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. And when talking about the history of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang will not be separated from the history of IAIN itself.n nIAIN is a manifestation of the ideas and desires of Muslims who are the majority of the Indonesian nation to print the cadre of Islamic leaders for the struggle of the Indonesian nation. The idea has grown since the Dutch colonial era. The late Dr. Satiman Wirjosandjojo seeks to establish a noble pesantren as a Higher Religious Institution. However, the effort has not succeeded because of obstacles from the Dutch side. In 1940 the Association of Islamic Religious Teachers (PGAI) in Padang established the High Islamic School (SIT), but it only lasted until 1942 due to the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. In the era of Japanese occupation, efforts to establish Islamic universities continue to be done, until finally the Japanese government promised to Muslims to establish the Institute of Religious Higher Education in Jakarta and then some Islamic leaders immediately set up a foundation chaired by Muhammad Hatta and his secretary Muhammad Natsir. On July 8, 1945 (27 Rajab 1364 H) the foundation established the Islamic High School (STI) based in Jakarta with its leader Abdul Kahar Mudzakkir. nnDue to the transfer of the central government of Indonesia to Yogyakarta, after independence (in 1946), the STI also moved and changed its name to Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) starting on March 22, 1948, and the addition of new faculties. So UII has four faculties, namely:nnFaculty of Religionnfaculty of Lawnfaculty of EconomicsnFaculty of EducationnUII's religious faculty was later upgraded and declared to be PTAIN (State Islamic University College), based on government regulation no. 34 years 1950 with the aim of providing high-level teaching (Islam) and became the center of development and deepening of Islamic religious knowledge.
Amtsilati Sumatera Barat (04/12/2019)
Since the veil has a ban here,nnNot a favorite anymore,nTerkenan kolot,nnAdahal just wants to become an IAIN,nhow do you want to be a UIN, and to the next level
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