
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Mosque
  • Address Tim.,, Labuang, Banggae Tim., Kabupaten Majene, Sulawesi Barat 91412, Indonesia
  • Coordinate -3.5388461,118.9728976
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 5
  • Compound Code FX6F+F5 Labuang, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
masjid nurul ikhsan tulu
masjid nurul ikhsan tulu
Sukardi Al Manyambayya (03/25/2019)
Allink Gilbert (04/05/2019)
1Ar Rahman الرحمن The Most Graciousn2Ar Rahiim الرحيم Most Mercifuln3Al Malik الملك The Most Powerful (can be interpreted as King of all Kings)n4Al Quddus القدوس The Most Holyn5As Salaam السلام The Benefactorn6Al Mu`min المؤمن The One Who Gives Peace n7AL Muhaimin المهيمن the Most Mengatur8Al `Aziiz العزيز the All Perkasa9Al Jabbar الجبار Who Owns Absolute Kegagahan10Al Mutakabbir المتكبر the Most Magnificent, Who Owns Kebesaran11Al Khaliq الخالق the Most Pencipta12Al Baari` البارئ the Most Removing (Making, Shaping, Balancing) 13Al Mushawwir المصور the Most Forms (creation) 14Al Ghaffaar الغفار the Most Pengampun15Al Qahhaar القهار the Most Memaksa16Al Wahhaab الوهاب Yang Grantor Karunia17Ar Razzaaq الرزاق The Giver Rezeki18Al Fattaah الفتاح the most Opener Rahmat19Al `aliim العليم Knowing (has Science) 20Al Qaabidh القابض the most Narrowing (creation) 21Al Baasith الباسط the most Expander (creation) 22Al Khaafidh الخافض the most Humbling (creation) 23Ar Raafi` الرافع the most Inflated (creation) 24 Mu`izz المعز The Glorified (his creatures) 25Al Mudzil المذل The Most Humiliating This will (creation) 26Al Samii` السميع the Most Mendengar27Al Bashiir البصير the Most Melihat28Al Hakam الحكم the Most Menetapkan29Al `Adl العدل the Most Adil30Al Lathiif اللطيف the Most Lembut31Al Khabiir الخبير the Most Mengenal32Al Haliim الحليم the Most Penyantun33Al` Azhiim العظيم The Most Agung34Al Ghafuur الغفور the Most Giving Pengampunan35As Syakuur الشكور the Most Thankful Budi (Respect) 36Al `Aliy العلى the Most Tinggi37Al Kabiir الكبير Yang most Besar38Al Hafiz الحفيظ the most Memelihara39Al Muqiit المقيت The Giver Kecukupan40Al Hasiib الحسيب the All Makes Perhitungan41Al Jaliil الجليل the most Luhur42Al Kariim الكريم the most Pemurah43Ar Raqiib الرقيب the most Mengawasi44Al Mujiib المجيب the most Mengabulkan45Al Waasi` الواسع the most Luas46Al Hakiim الحكيم the All So Bijaksana47Al Waduud الودود the most Mengasihi48Al Majiid المجيد the most Mulia49 Al Baa`its الباعث the Most Membangkitkan50As Syahiid الشهيد the Most Menyaksikan51Al Haqq الحق the Most Benar52Al Wakiil الوكيل the Most Memelihara53Al QAWIYYU القوى the Most Kuat54Al Turn off the المتين the Most Kokoh55Al Waliyy الولى the Most Melindungi56Al Hamiid الحميد the Most Terpuji57Al Muhshii المحصى compassion calculate (Counting Everything) 58Al Mubdi` المبدئ the Most Memulai59Al Mu`iid المعيد the Most Returns Kehidupan60Al Muhyii المحيى the Most Menghidupkan61Al earth المميت the most Mematikan62Al Hayyu الحي the most Hidup63Al Qayyuum القيوم the most Mandiri64Al Waajid الواجد the most Penem\u65Al Maajid الماجد the most Mulia66Al Wahid الواحد the most Tunggal67Al Sunday الاحد the most Esa68As Shamad الصمد the most needed, Where Meminta69Al Qaadir القادر the most Defining, Supreme Menyeimbangkan70Al Muqtadir المقتدر the most Berkuasa71Al Muqaddim المقدم compassion Mendahulukan72Al Mu`akkhir المؤخر the Most Mengakhirkan73Al Awwal الأول the Most Awal74Al Aakhir الأخر the Most Akhir75Az Zhaahir الظاهر the Most Nyata76Al Baathist الباطن the Most Ghaib77Al Waali الوالي the Most Memerintah78Al Muta`aalii المتعالي the Most Tinggi79Al Barru البر the Most donors (Giver of virtue) 80At Tawwaab التواب Oft Tobat81Al Muntaqim المنتقم The Giver Balasan82Al Afuww العفو the Most Pemaaf83Ar Ra`uuf الرؤوف compassion Pengasuh84Malikul Mulk مالك الملك Exalted Ruler of the kingdom (Universal) 85Dzul JALAALI Wal Ikraam ذو الجلال و الإكرام the All-owner Might and Kemuliaan86Al Muqsith المقسط The Giver Keadilan87Al Jamii` الجامع the most Mengumpulkan88Al Ghaniyy الغنى the most Kaya89Al MUGHNII المغنى The Giver Kekayaan90Al Maani المانع the most Mencegah91Ad Dhaar الضار the most Override Kemudharatan92An Nafii` الناف The Most Giving Manfaat93An Nuur النور The Most Illuminated (Illuminated, Giving light) 94Al Haadii الهادئ the Grantor Petunjuk95Al Badii 'البديع the Creator's no Bandingannya96Al Baaqii الباقي the Most Kekal97Al Waarits الوارث the Most Pewaris98Ar Rasyiid الرشيد the Most Pandai99As Shabuur الصبور The Most Patient
abdul azis (01/05/2019)
The mosque uses full ac, the prayer is more steady
Abdul Rais Husain (10/27/2019)
A good place of worship
Arifin TehnikInformatika A (05/17/2019)
Worship place
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