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Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang
Wira Yuda (05/15/2018)
nurman sulaeman (10/24/2019)
Tired to stop by first here while enjoying the waves of the sea, but unfortunately the beach is not sand but mud can not play sea water
EDUKHASI (05/30/2018)
Pesantren Darussalam Sengkubang was officially established on July 25, 1992 to coincide with 24 Muharram 1413 H. The founders of this Pontren were H. Abdullah Alie, HM. Yunus Nazam, and KH. Tusirana Rasyid. The three people took the initiative to establish Pontren Darussalam Sengkubang with the permission of Allah. H. Abdullah Ali'e as Chairman of the Foundation, H.M. Yunus Nazam as Secretary of the Foundation, and KH. Tusirana Rasyid as Pontren Leader. Then also could not be separated from H.M. Yunus Nazam, namely H. Yusdiansyah, S.Pd.MM, an alumnus of the Darussalam Gontor Modern Boarding School as a driving force to establish a boarding school and assisted by Syafawi Sunadi, Akhyar Akhmad who is also an alumni of the Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School, East Java.nnThe establishment of Pontren Darussalam Sengkubang so that the current condition has a long history. In 1964 (the old order era), several community leaders in Sengkubang, including H.M. Yusuf Amin (deceased), M. Harun (deceased), A. Rahman Yusuf, H.M. Yunus Nazam (at that time had not had the pilgrimage), A. Hamid Nazam had founded Madrasah Diniyah, then in 1970, Madrasah Tsanawiyah was founded by M. Zuhdi H. Yusuf, which at that time was known as SMIP, the approach of the First Islamic Middle School. However, 4 (four) years later according to H.M. Yunus Nazam, Tsanawiyah experienced a vacuum, aka no teaching and learning activities, until finally in 1982, two figures, namely H.M. Yunus Nazam and H. Abdullah Ali'e, met Ust. TusiranaRasyid, who at that time served as Da'i Pembangunan / Rabithah Alam Islamy, to rebuild the Madrasah with teaching and learning activities at the Tsanawiyah level in the existing building and the new Tsanawiyah Madrasah was established in 1983 with 39 prime students, a year later 1984, a deed was drawn up. the establishment of the Darussalam Foundation as a first step towards further educational development and in 1988 the Madrasah Aliyah was established with 10 initial students.nnIt was only in 1992 after Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah were running quite well, they began to accommodate boarding students with the formal education program MTs, Aliyah and Pontren program totaling 17 prime santri (excluding MTs and MA students), all of whom the foundation had to pay for their nyantr costs.nnPontren Darussalam Sengkubang Until now, it has accommodated a number of 700 students who come from all districts and cities in West Kalimantan, there are also students who come from the country of Kuching, SerawakMalaysia and also some who come from the Riau Islands with the socio-economic background of their parents who various, farmers, civil servants, entrepreneurs, fishermen, breeders and so on.nnAnd since its establishment, Pontren Darussalam Sengkubang was led by KH. Tusirana Rasyid (alumnus of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, Ngabar in 1975, with the representative of the cleric H. Yusdiansyah, S. Pd. MM (alumnus of Pondok Modern Gontor, 1991) and the deputy cleric Muh. Raji, SHI (alumnus of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, 1978) , Head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Drs. Ahmad Nasyarudin and Head of Madrasah Aliyah, H. Yusdiansyah, S. Pd. MM, Head of TPA / TPQ Muhammad Yusuf, Head of TK Farida Iriani and Head of Program Pontren Baharuddin, S.Ag. (alumnus of ISID Institute Study of Islam, Darussalam Gontor, 2001), and assisted by education scholars according to their fields and disciplines as well as santri caregivers who live with the students for 24 hours. for the students, until all time, God willing, is controlled, guided, directed for the good of activities for the future of the students.nnSource: Wikipedia
Diah Icha (04/09/2019)
I just want to register my ank. But do not know how
F I R (10/05/2018)
Calm and peaceful and sincere
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