
Detailed Information
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Gedung Grandgasing Universitas Riau
Arshad Mahmood (04/24/2018)
It's not yet completed n already broken, it's pity!
Epi Hernedi (08/11/2017)
Hendra Taufik (10/07/2019)
The Grand Gasing multipurpose building that can be used for meeting university events and student activities. Unfortunately for one reason or another, this building cannot be maximized. Hopefully one day this building can be operational again in accordance with its function.
imief CWH (01/13/2018)
Lghamglhatzklgh Nghrmhgltzrlgl Mktzrmgllihgl Lclctztzrhglctztz Cklrtzrtzglgtrm Lglctzctztzglgl Lgmahgnhatzglch Lctzcmglnhc Lctzrtzglhctzclglch Lchchchghghhg Lclchghghchg Lctzctzcllkhchch Lghctzchhhghig Lchctzcmcmgtzghl Lclctzctzctztzctzgtz Lglctzctzhtztzchc Lglclhlcnmghctz Lctzatzlghamktzcl Lclcmhcclctzlglc Lchklgmnctzklcmcn Lclcmklhchk 9 Schlegel Mchgmnhhkhclgncl Lclghcmhglgh Cclctzctzclmgcgtzcln Lclctzctztzcllcl Lchglhtzhchh Lchchhchhchchchhhgh
Andrew Sigalingging (03/01/2018)
UR's multipurpose building that has not been renovated. And this building is actually not feasible to use but there have been many activities carried out and carried out in this building.
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