
Detailed Information
HPA Adijaya
HPA Adijaya
Wildan Offical (05/21/2019)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh .... welcome to the cell phone Adijaya STOKIS is located 2km from Bandarjaya in the direction of Simpang Agung ... it is located in jl.dr.sutomo Adijaya ... because this area is no house ... and it is not detected by any expedition so if you want to find STOCKIS HP ... it uses ancer2 ... he..he..radio slendro 500m more ... there is a guava tree with a white house ... beside it there is an empty shop ... besides the shop Miswanto, yes .... This STOCK is not yet complete because the capital is only a little and according to the needs ... ready coffee HC, MHS, EGM and Evo ... the others must contact CS STOKIS ... later KLO new pesen in order ...nHpai offers quality and nutritious herbal products ... proven efficacy, guaranteed authenticity and halal Muslim 100% ...nHappy shopping in HPAI stockists AdijayanWassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...
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