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James Wignall (05/24/2020)
Hello, I hope this finds the correct place. I was having difficulty finding where to put a review. The story is very long but I live in the Chicago Land area and had a roofing contractor put a flat roof in 2016. The roof was warranted by Gaco. In 2019 I started to experience issues with the roof and so I went back to the roofing company that put it on. This was in April 2019. I thought I had a trusted roofing company from the area doing the work but they kept putting me off and when they finally came out to do the work they just repaired the spots that had issues but those spots came back because of underlying issues with when they originally put the roof on. I worked with this roofing contractor till September 2019 in trying to resolve the issue and they kept giving me the run around with the warranty company. In beginning of October 2019 I asked to speak with the warranty company who I thought was Gaco but found out that Firestone had bought out Gaco. I was then given to Brad Allen and Patrick Sinclair. I worked with Brad and Patrick on getting the roof corrected. Although it took some time of working with them and I had to wait till May of 2020 to get the project complete I am happy to say that I am extremely happy that Brad and Patrick were my warranty reps. The original contractor had made numerous mistakes with putting on the roof between the flashing and the repairs they continually made it worse. Patrick and Brad were able to help find a contractor that was very credible and they were able to come out in early March to help do a full assessment of what needed to be done. From there Patrick and Brad worked with them to help replace the roof and put a new roof on that is much more reliable. In the end this was a difficult process that took over a year of working with multiple companies. I am very happy that I came across Brad and Patrick who understood the customers perspective and helped them out. To many times larger companies you will not find this customer service. Each time I reached out to Brad and Patrick they also responded back. Thank you Brad Allen and Patrick Sinclair for your help!!! Jim Wignall