
Detailed Information
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Siva Temple (Mabbu devalayam)
Mallikarjunarao Navuluri (06/17/2017)
Vallur is situated about 15 km from Kadapa, on the north of Kadapa-Tadpatri road. Inscriptions at Diguvapalli in Kolar district and at Pushpagiri in Kadapa District mention of Valluru as the capital of the local chiefs. During Chola Rajadhiraja I's reign Dandanayaka Appimayya was the governor of Maharajavadi who had Valluru as the capital. The records of the Vaidumbas and the Kayasthas states that, Valluru as their capital city.nThe Siva temple locally called as Mabbu Devalayam is situated at the south-eastern outskirts of the village. It consists of garbhagriha, antarala and mukhamandapa faces north and the entry on the east.nThe ground plan of the garbhagriha adhistana is of kapotabandha type and shows the upana, jagati, padma, kampa, adhopadma, tripatta kumuda, urdhvapadma, kantha with galapadas, kapota and vedika. In the kantha, the galapadas are decorated with simha vyala figures. The kapota has nasika with kirtimukha head at the apex. The wall is decorated with devakosthas and kudyastambas.nThe carvings on the walls are female chauri bearer, gana, Gajasurasamharamurti, chauri-bearer, Sivabhikshatanamurti, Rishipatnis, Mahisasuramardini and Krishna-Kaliyamardana, worshippers,Siva Nataraja, Urdhvatandavamurti, Kiratarjuniyam, Narsimha killing Hiranyakasipu, Vishnu, Sridevi, Bhudevi, Yoga Narasimha, Siva presenting pasupatastra to Arjuna, Sankhanidhi, Padmanidhi and Simhavyalas.nThe antarala doorway is of panchasakha variety. The dvarapalas-Nandi and Mahakala are carved at the base of the jambs and top of the jamb Gajalakshmi is carved. The kapota lintel has simha vyalas underneath.nThe mukahamandapa has a panchasakha door on the south. At the base of the jambs the Saivaite dvarapalas Nandi and Mahakala are carved and Gajalakshmi on the top. The six pillared mukhamandapa in two rows of three each and the kudyastambhas are placed in the corresponding positions. The cubes of the central pillars have Umamaheswara, rishi, seated four handed Vishnu, Nandi, seated four handed Siva with his right leg planted on the Ganga below, Ganesha seated on mushika, gaja, hamsa, simhavyala, a dancer accompanied by a drummer and cymbal player, rishi in anjalimudra, Gajasurasamharamurti, Simha, gaja, cow milking over a Sivalinga, Rama, Lakshmana, vanaras carrying stones and Sita in Ashokavana, Ganesha, simhavyala, hamsa, sardula and a seated worshipper carvings. The Temple can be assigned to 15th or 16th century A.D.
Veera Reddy (05/27/2017)
This Temple is very wonderfulnAnd it the old temple
HNB luckey (10/07/2019)
Y. ANIL KUMAR (01/09/2019)
It is a historical place
janakiram reddy Palagiri (12/25/2018)
Vallur Vallur mandal Kadapa dist
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