
Detailed Information
  • Place Types Primary school
  • Address Purusottampur, Chadhiapalli, Odisha 761018, India
  • Coordinate 19.5178914,84.9098258
  • Website Unknown
  • Rating 3
  • Compound Code GW95+5W Chadhiapalli, Odisha, India
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Govt U G High School, Chadhiapalli
Narayana Dalabehara (01/02/2019)
Govt Upgraded High School, Chadhiapalli is situated at Chadhiapalli village 3 km away from Purushottampur. It offers classes from I to X, Board of secondary education Odisha. It was established as primary school in the year 1935 June 17. In 2004 it became UPS and in 2010 it was Upgraded to High School. There are 250 students in the session 2017-18. There are 6 teachers in UPS and 5 teachers in Highschool. Sri Abhimanyu Behera is working as the Headmaster. Sri Bichitra Kumar Gouda is elected as SMC president. PTA and MTA is formed for the management of the school. Free books and two sets of free uniform is provided to the students up to VIII. ICT lab is available for the computer education of the students. CCE is implemented for the educational , co-educational and co-curricular development of the students.
Srikant Gouda (06/25/2018)
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