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Carabinieri Comando Provinciale Novara
Carabinieri Comando Provinciale Novara
Francesco Cirigliano (06/16/2020)
The person I turned to is unprofessional. Congratulations, if Italy goes back instead of moving forward, it is also thanks to people like you.
Willy 1 (10/28/2019)
These are people who work and well, not everyone can deal with tragic human events and dangerous circumstances. I think even many of those who are arrested, in a remote corner of their animaccia, audition respect and a hint of admiration for them. I am positively surprised by the assumptions they elaborate when faced with great crimes or crimes, they often seem unlikely ruminations, yet from those strange reasonings they come to decipher facts and truths. Facts and truths that then illustrate to the press or on TV with polished exposures rich in bombastic terms, almost macaroni, however useful to make us fully understand the events that took place. And after this review and the five stars awarded, I think I deserve their magnificent definitely calendar 2020.
Giancarlo Recrosio (03/13/2020)
Thank you too for all the help
gilda tanase (08/02/2019)
Congratulations, I have come to make a complaint and you have told me that it is of little importance .... I will write a letter to the newspapers
rosanna lorenzon (09/28/2013)
I warmly thank the body of the Carabinieri of Novara in particular the Lieutenant Tarantola and the Brigadier Barbieri for having done their utmost to return the objects stolen from me in a robbery at home in Monza and having brought the gang of robbers to justice. For me these objects have a great emotional significance and I felt great joy in getting them back into possession. We often underestimate the hard work of these men who risk their lives for us every day. They were really great and tenacious in carrying out their duties aimed at guaranteeing justice! Thank you again. Rosanna Lorenzon
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