
Detailed Information
Vigili del Fuoco Distaccamento Pomezia
Angi._.pao06 (08/20/2020)
Yesterday in Via di Castel Romano 51 part of the company caught fire, we called 3 times. When I tried to call, they attacked me in the face, which I still can't take. After an hour the civil guard came but there was no sign of the fire brigade. They came to an end when everything was burned and the fire was almost out. It seems that if a person asks them for help they take it for a joke.
Massimiliano Fabrizi (09/02/2020)
Professional and always available. Often mistreated because the single 112 system penalizes them by sending them late on interventions. A single team for a vast territory like that of Pomezia Ardea Santa Palomba and Castel Romano ... then ask yourself why they don't arrive! Come on guys!!!
Valerio Mondo (09/03/2020)
Always available for every call. Badly treated by the institutions, they are the real heroes .... The firefighters. It is not true that they take calls as a joke (I refer to previous posts).
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