
Detailed Information
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
IIS Pertini Falcone
Giovanna Vani (12/16/2020)
The Institute is positioned within a vast territory and constitutes a winning reality at the school level. Modern structure that respects all safety and high functionality standards, spacious classrooms, cutting-edge laboratories, these are just some elements of the IIS Pertini - Falcone. The presence of young teachers, prepared but above all attentive to the needs of children is the added value of the school. The training offer is wide; countless projects proposed to students, from language certifications to internships, from robotics licenses to PCTO projects, are only a part of it. The location is also easily accessible thanks to the bus lines that pass right in front of the main entrance and the Metro C Borghesiana stop.
Camilla Arconti (12/02/2020)
The school is easy to reach and the proposed activities are always many and innovative. It prepares young people both for the world of work and for continuing their studies in many fields. The subjects studied are in fact varied and allow you to follow many different paths. It is also a very open and attentive institution to all students: whatever the needs of the students, anyone who works in the school, from the teachers to the ata staff, is always very helpful and the institute does everything to put anyone in a position to learn and follow a training course. I had a wonderful experience in this school, thanks to which today I have an excellent basis to continue my studies and to start working
Giovanni Peruggini (09/15/2020)
A "difficult" school both from the logistical point of view, taking into account its geographical location, and as regards the services provided on a purely educational level. The social context in which it is located determines critical issues in terms of the training offer and the real possibilities of building a solid educational path due to the diversity and the average level of preparation of the users. Specific difficulties, linked to the characteristics of the social fabric to which they belong and to the inhomogeneity of the school audience served, strongly advise against contacting this institute in particular for high-level training areas with special regard to the sections of the scientific high school, which are also recently built and uncertain. destiny. Less critical is the situation of the professional sphere which is better calibrated on the characteristics of the catchment area served.
Giuseppe (12/30/2020)
La scuola è dalla sua costruzione risalente al 1994 un punto di riferimento culturale per il VI Municipio di Roma e per le zone limitrofe a Frascati ed agli altri Castelli Romani. Diversamente da altre recensioni lette, è una scuola che pur trovandosi in zone "non ricchissime" è sempre stata frequentata da ragazzi che volevano migliorare il proprio futuro e ci sono riusciti trovando lavori dignitosi grazie al diploma conseguito e frequentando l'università. Tra i diplomati del Sandro Pertini e del Giovanni Falcone sono usciti futuri Commercialisti, Professori, Chimici e Ingegneri informatici. Purtroppo alcuni recensori, generalizzando, scrivono cose senza conoscere di persona i luoghi o i contesti che descrivono pensando solo a scrivere recensioni per averne di più all'attivo. L'istituto è anche raggiungibile facilmente: si trova a 800-900 metri a piedi dalla Metro C, Borghesiana, (e non ad un km e mezzo come scrive qualcuno, basta vedere su Maps) ma è anche servito dal bus 107, linea che parte dalla stazione metro C Grotte Celoni e arriva da quest'anno nel quartiere Giardini di Corcolle Tra gli indirizzi presenti l'istituto offre: -Il Liceo delle Scienze Applicate, ossia il Liceo Scientifico con un maggior numero di ore di Scienze, ben 5 a settimana nel triennio, con la disciplina Informatica presente in tutti e cinque gli anni e senza l'insegnamento del Latino. -L'istituto Tecnico Turistico. -Il Tecnico Economico, Amministrazione Finanza e Marketing. -Gli indirizzi professionali Moda, Chimico e Servizi commerciali che si trovano presso le Stazioni Metro C di Torre Maura e Torre Spaccata. .
Maria Lico (09/15/2020)
Well connected with metro C, large and welcoming rooms, many addresses and a very diversified training offer. EXCELLENT state high school scientific option applied sciences.
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