
Detailed Information
Istituto Comprensivo Statale di San Biagio di Callalta e Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado A. Martini
Istituto Comprensivo Statale di San Biagio di Callalta e Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado A. Martini
Lane C (04/16/2018)
Great students and teachers. They respect each other in terms of culture and perceptions. They listen and are attentive. In this middle school, the terze classes are quite responsive and give you satisfactory answers. I would love to come back here again and again.
Enio Meridiana (11/14/2020)
The Sundial of the Great War was created in 2017 to indicate not only the hours of the day, but mainly to remind us of the most significant dates that characterized the conflict. The stylus produces a bright spot with the Sun that moves daily from left to right, for an observer looking at the sundial, indicating, whenever it overlaps an hour line, the True Hour of Central Europe. The calendar function occurs when the spot of light passing over the lines marked by the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra, respectively indicates the beginning of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Other date lines are crossed by the luminous spot on May 24, the beginning of the war, on June 21, the battle of the solstice (in this case the curve coincides with the entry of the Sun into Cancer), on October 24, the defeat of Caporetto, and November 4, the end of the war. For this particular date, at 3 o'clock, a tricolor sticker highlights the time of the ceasefire, an instant that is remembered by the sundial with the overlapping of the light point on the sticker itself.
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