
Detailed Information
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Railway Station
Nicolas Kitchin (02/03/2021)
One of these many intact historical buildings in jamaica. In its heyday this was the grand entrance to the capital city. In walking distance from the main market, downtown and the waterfront. The platform has a great view of the high rise buildings of downtown
A (04/05/2020)
we have not had regular train service since 1992 help.
Christopher Spencer (04/11/2019)
Historic site, great location for unique photographs
Andrew Witham (01/28/2020)
Such a shame to see the place disused and derelict - looking forward to seeing the potential to regenerate soon.
Marcia Johnson (03/07/2019)
Rich history of a nation bursting at its seams. The historians, oh! right indeed. The first Jamaican railway was completed in 1845, the first in the British Colonies and the third in the Americas. It is said by these distinguished historians - the train station was built on Barry Street, downtown Kingston and its first steam engine ran from Kingston to Spanish Town. It must be noted that the railroads made an enormous impact on the Jamaican economy, providing public transportation likewise freight services for the agricultural and bauxite mining sector. The service ceased operating in 1992 by which time our Island had more than 216 miles of rail linking Kingston with Port Antonio and Montego Bay. We miss a taste of our public passenger service - toot toot What about you!