
Detailed Information
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Taisei Hospital
Abi E.A (05/20/2019)
Just called the girl that i talked to is not polite. If you dont like your job then quit.
滝澤コウ (12/22/2020)
整形外科の感想です。 腰と股関節を痛めてしまい、近い・空いてるという事だけで行きました。午後イチ30分前に着きましたが機械で順番登録?をするとのこと。受け付けのお姉さんに声をかけてみると「初診はそのまま待って下さい」シッシッとばかりに突き放され、その間ダラダラと後から来るたくさんの患者さん達が機械に順番登録していきます。案の定私は3番目に来たのに、受け付けの方に相手して貰えたのは20番目くらいでした。そしてここの受付の人みんな冷たい。初診悲しい。とりあえず手続きを済ませて2階で40分待ち(整形外科の患者数少なかったみたいなのにすげー長ぇ)。 レントゲン撮ってもらったりしたものの、結局若いんだから自力で治せとのこと。痛み止めと湿布だけ貰って早々に帰りました。(処方箋の受付の人達はかなり優しくて泣きそうになりました)痛みが無くなったらストレッチのやり方だけ教えるから来い、とのこと。 えー電気治療もしてくれないくせにまた来るのかよここ…と思いつつ、2週間後。2回目なので受付の機械のやり方など聞いてみたものの、相変わらず冷たいお姉さんに面倒くさそうに教わり、またもやたくさんの常連に抜かされ、1時間ほど待つ。まだ痛みが残っていたのに「ストレッチで治せ」と薬と湿布を出すのを渋られてしまう始末…何か恨まれてるのか…まだちっとも治っておらず、歩くのもまだ辛いので頭下げてお願いして(←ここ重要です)、湿布と薬を出してもらいました。ケチな病院。 ストレッチするどころか痛みは収まらず、いい加減我慢ならなくなり、会社近くの整形外科に駆け込む。幼少時の歩行器早期使用により腰と股関節の骨が未熟なのですが、その為に普段から歩行や運動による負担が大きい事とちょっとした事でもすぐ痛めやすかった点を当てられ、股関節の軟骨の炎症、部分的に痙攣・マヒなども引き起こしていた事も発覚、固定の治療と電気治療を施され、痛み止めと湿布を頂きました。こちらの処置方法を伝えたところ呆れていました、酷くして長期治療させたかったのかな。 年齢やら見た目で診るのではなく、きちんと症状を診てくれる病院を探さなきゃダメですね…病院としては当たり前のことなんだけどなー。しかしひどい目にあった、空いてるだけはある。あと受付のお姉さん改めオバサン達、仕事が大変なのはわかるけど患者さんに当たっても仕方ないよ、お金を稼ぐ為なんだからもう少し頑張ろ。 他の方のクチコミを見てても思うのですが、やはりどんなに待たされてもきちんと診てくれる病院を選ぶべきですね、後に母から聞きましたが過去に入院した時もあそこは対応が酷かったとの事、建物や外ヅラばかり綺麗にしてても仕方ないですよ。
もうふ (11/27/2020)
The management of paper charts is sloppy. I had to wait for almost an hour to prescribe the medicine, and when I thought it was too strange, the medical record that was supposed to be sent to the drug room was not sent, there was no medical record! I started making noise. At the end of the phrase, I asked the patient, "Don't you have a medical record ?! Where is it !?" I finally found it in the office, but I don't know how sloppy it is. I wanted to change the hospital if it wasn't near the end of the month.
Na A (08/14/2020)
I went to the medical checkup in the city. In addition to the first medical examination in the morning, I had an appointment for a breast cancer medical examination from noon. I was thinking of killing time after the checkup and returning to the hospital for the breast cancer checkup. I think that it was the first person on the day of the medical examination, but I waited because the doctor told me to wait in the waiting room after the internal medical examination, but after the medical examination people after me X-ray I was asked to go to, so I checked with the nurse. It was past 9 o'clock. While the nurse was looking for my health checkup file with my flap, my name was called at the surgery next door and I was palpating for breast cancer. However, when I was in the surgery examination room, the nurses shouted out loud from the curtain, saying, "I will do it all! Hey!” and left with a loud voice. I didn't know that I could do it early because I thought the breast cancer checkup was still ahead, and I didn't know that the file might be going to surgery, but I shouted too loudly and left. I was surprised at the response. At present, we are spending every day with the gratitude of all medical staff, but what about the various attitudes of medical staff? Feeling that way, I came home while feeling confused. Daish Hospital gives birth to two children. However, it became a disappointing hospital. There were really a few people at the hospital who responded with a smile. From next year, I will have a medical examination at a different hospital. Taka is a medical examination, but I don't want to be treated like that in the medical examination.
メイ (02/10/2020)
I went in an ambulance with sudden abdominal pain She just hit the stethoscope and said, "Acute enteritis. Don't call an ambulance because of this." Pain increases The next day I went to another hospital and checked various things I was hospitalized for two weeks for pancreatitis. That's not an intestinal medicine. I don't think it's weird, even though I can't walk with consciousness and complain of severe pain. He was almost dead. Further If you say that you throw the vomited bag to the toilet The nurse told me "What?" This is the lowest hospital ever.
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