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  • Monday Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday Open 24 hours
  • Thursday Open 24 hours
  • Friday Open 24 hours
  • Saturday Open 24 hours
  • Sunday Open 24 hours
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
24시 폴 동물병원
고슴도치육아일기 (12/21/2020)
과잉진료없음 친절하게 상담해주셔서 추천드려요
뭉치 (10/26/2020)
I went to the early morning emergency, and they are quite friendly. The emergency treatment fee is 33,000 won..
sukeun yang (07/25/2020)
Friendly and not expensive. Parking is free for 2 hours. We recommend making a reservation by phone.
Jihyun Lee (07/24/2020)
Personally it shines. Here, due to misinformation and misdiagnosis I went to the hippocampus and gave it a million won and was tested again. As a result of the test, our dog had no tumor. After experiencing a few more similar experiences...
윤혜림 (06/16/2020)
Friendly and well-equipped hospital facilities, but the price is not that cheap.
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