
Detailed Information
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Colegio Puerto Aventuras
Anthony Di Martino (07/08/2020)
I do not recommend this school at all, it is very corrupt and shady. Parents are not allowed any involvement in their children´s student life. You are prohibited of talking to teachers or approach them without a formal appointment, any incident is swept under the carpet and parents only find out through the kids only to later have them lie to your face about it and denying most of parents concern ever happened. The infrastructure is worse than in a public school, restrooms look horrid, kids don’t even have a bench where to sit when dressing for sports class, they all sit on the dirty floor, no hangers, nothing. Kids suffer from heat strokes every summer when temperature rise up to 100 degrees and the director refuses to install AC units, parents have begged, signed petitions, offered to donate them and she just denies them. The parents association is a ghost one, they never have meetings nor invite the parents to attend. It is 100% controlled by the director and her pawns. She recruits single struggling mothers to be her accomplices on all her shady work. She has been charging parent association fees when it is not even mandatory, it is voluntary yet she was denying parents to register their kids if they did not pay the parents association fees. She never gave any report of what the money is spend on nor the parents have any say while in the meantime kids playgrounds are falling apart, play area has no shade, sports courts are in bad shape, water dispenser are heating in plastic on the school corridors while she refuses parent initiative to install electric ones in classrooms. Personnel is scared of her tyrant ways. GK just takes advantage of parents not having another options inside Puerto Aventuras to continue her sloppy work without any real consequences. She couldn’t care less about student’s safety, many hurt themselves on the broken playgrounds and years can pass before she takes action. She brags on her Facebook page about all her charitable work when it is the parents donating all supplies for any charity. I wish I could have pictures of the bathrooms or the garbage bins she uses, they are metal barrels. All and all I would recommend any other school except this one unless they maybe decide to change management staff to a decent and better one. You will be better off coming to Playa and have your kids in a school where they deserve to be.
Leonardt Miller (08/07/2020)
Truth be told we arrived to Puerto feeling very enthusiastic about the school but sadly little by little, year after year our dissappointment grew. Unfortunately you can't really see it until you are already in and experience it for yourself. We had heard rumors but Covid has just been the cherry on top. We love our teachers and they have been treated unfairly and very much underappreciated by the school owner. While she keeps charging full tuition fees she decided to pay her staff 50% of their salary only but yet they are obligated to fulfill their regular working hours plus much more demands. Hard times usually prove where your heart is and the school director's heart was neither with the students, the staff nor the parents. It was only with her pocket. We tried helping our beloved instructors signing petition letters, asking to even cover their salary expenses with the recently collected parents association funds but all we received back was a big "NO". We don't even have a say on our own funds, school owner wants to control even those, all for her own benefit while school premises continue to lack basic & safe infrastructure, appropiate maintenance and most important honest and uninterested care for its students. As much as this school has a good reputation truth is it is way OVERRATED.
awew awegdg (01/13/2018)
Some of the teachers are quite nice, but the school is too pricey. Not for people on a low budget. Other than that, it's a beautiful place, the playgrounds are nice and so are the palapas.
pedro moncada (07/08/2020)
Despite the fact that the academic level of this school is very good, unfortunately the administration by its director is deplorable, considering the monthly payments of more than 6 thousand pesos per student they charge, 10 thousand non-refundable membership, 10 thousand annual enrollment , school package and more expenses it is evident to all that none of it is invested in the school itself. It has been sad in my years here to have to hear the constant complaints and laments of the many parents frustrated with the treatment by the school, from bullying problems, excess students in the classroom with few hands and eyes, lack of communication and participation towards parents, damage to minors in games due to lack of maintenance, lack of an infirmary where students can recover from any situation, lack of psychological support for children with difficulties, many basic needs that a school must provide, they do not have so I ask that you consider your decision well before being sweetened by the directors. It only takes a tour of the facilities to realize the decrepit state in which they maintain it. I enclose some photos so that they can see the poor state in which they maintain that school. Let's see if the batteries are put in and they finally decide to invest something in renovating it since it gives pity and shame to take family or friends to know the "chula" school of the prestigious Puerto Aventuras.
Fernando Rodríguez (01/12/2021)
Excellent working environment
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