
Detailed Information
Aleid Uhl (03/02/2021)
Aleid Uhl, senior internal communications advisor “I know Jeroen as a very experienced and thorough mediator. He is the solid sparring partner at boardroom level. The result-oriented mediator who, by listening carefully, understands the (often complex) communication issues and culture of the client. As a result, he flawlessly selects the candidate with the right style, knowledge and skills. In my opinion, what really distinguishes Jeroen from other mediators is his sensitivity to politically sensitive situations, which he recognizes very quickly and which he can discuss with diplomacy and elegance. No noise, no time wasted! Jeroen's honesty and integrity provide clarity from the first contact. His sense of humor is a great pleasure which makes it always a pleasure to work with him. ”
Pieter Idenburg (03/02/2021)
Pieter Idenburg, senior adviser to Issuemakers and former director of communications, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment “At the time, Jeroen helped me enormously in finding a suitable deputy director of Communication for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. He has an excellent network, he empathises with the customer very well and supplements this with valuable advice and ideas. Jeroen is truly a professional who delivers results. And besides that, it is just fun and enjoyable to work with him. Finally, he was able to mediate me personally to the beautiful agency Issuemakers. Jeroen is really a matchmaker ”.
Marc van Hal (03/01/2021)
“You rarely come across people whose last names give a very exact description of the person. As an independent professional it is a privilege to know someone like Jeroen. With Good Executive Search he really goes for the content. Positive critical, strategically strong, knows how to optimally match the interests of the client and candidate. A connector with humor and solid knowledge of the communication profession! ”