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Elite Motorbike Sales Corp
Whether it be in person or more typically via email or by hitting that green or red button when we leave the store. But it’s not only in stores now. I recently attended a retail conference in Amsterdam and whilst there saw one of the more imaginative uses of providing ratings and reviews. On exiting the “facilities” shall we say, I was faced with the question “your toilet visit?” with options ranging from green (it was pleasant) to yellow (no soap) to orange (no loo roll) to red–for which I will let you use your imagination! There might be nothing new about reviews–think Tripadvisor–however, there’s a very good reason why this is now a rapidly growing culture. To discover why we need to look at ourselves as consumers. You’re planning a holiday but to a resort and hotel, you’ve never stayed at before. Who do you turn to for advice and guidance? The travel company’s brochure? Unlikely. In increasing numbers, we turn to total strangers and read their customer reviews. This above all else informs our decision of where to stay. And not only do we expect to be listened to, to be heard, we expect that our feedback will be acknowledged and acted upon. Because in the new normal of retailing, we truly are king. And because we are all now influencers, the smart retailers have realized the importance of reviews. In a report titled “The Rise of the Review Culture” published this week by Brightpearl and Trustpilot, it was found that 46% of shoppers check star ratings before making an online purchase and 88% of shoppers think that star ratings are important. Ratings and reviews are becoming a vital tool in a retailer’s armory in order to stay ahead of the competition. But with 84% of shoppers saying that they read online reviews before buying, it is somewhat surprising that 26% of retailers claim not to have a star rating online at all.
Jesriel Cabug-os (01/08/2017)
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