
Detailed Information
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Tężnie Solankowe
Teresa Daszkowska (06/08/2020)
Dłuuuuugi spacet
marcin mikołajczak (07/22/2019)
my friend could jump on a bike there. some nice ruins and other collapsing or abandoned buildings are very close from there. it’s sad that the abandoned swimming pool has no water to swim in. that makes me wanna leave 1 star.
Owen Davies (09/24/2019)
Massive woodern structure which makes brine and as a side effect O zone which produces a micro weather climate within the area and is good for the health. Very interesting and worth a look.
Jacqueline Baird (10/02/2019)
Lovely grounds. Very interesting place to visit.
Bryan Zellmann (06/23/2019)
It's ok. It would be a lot nicer if more of the towers were actually giving off the salt water people come for, often from a considerable distance. It would make it a lot more justifiable to charge five zloties in such a situation. As it was, my wife, elderly father-in-law and myself had to walk 250 to 300 meters just to get a small area of this. Not fun.
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