
Detailed Information
Patryk Wałach (05/18/2018)
I got bullied, the kids had put me into a bag and threw into Kurówka ;(.
Olka Przychodzen (08/28/2020)
I like going to school in Kurów which is a bit different than other schools but I like it.
Genowefa Mindal (09/24/2018)
Worst scrap purchase in this galaxy. One might even be tempted to say that the whole cosmos. Employees headed by the manager have none, I emphasize no idea about moon metals. They wanted to pay for parts for a modern interplanetary vehicle in some kind of strange colored discs. What can you buy with it? Certainly nothing suitable for a citizen of the universe. I regret landing in this area and I will not recommend this place to any of my friends. Signed, Genowefa Mindal, Third Ring of Saturn.
Władcachleba (08/12/2018)
It's time to die
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