
Detailed Information
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Cat Park
Marie-Claire Nguyen (02/10/2019)
Shelter/paradise for free cats. They are sterilized. They are fed daily. You can sit on the ground and if you are lucky some of them will come to you as they like to be petted.
Sean Rice (08/10/2019)
Fantastic views of alibufeira. We saw a few cats however I would recommend going in the evening as many of the cats were sleeping under the walkway in the mid-day sun.
William Cahill (08/14/2019)
Great view. It's more like a cat pier, although I saw no cats the day I went.
Winter Coming (09/24/2019)
Great view but no cats
Floortje (06/04/2019)
At first I thought the cats were strays so I gave them some of my water. Then I read the sign from AGA Cat Charity and found out they are helping and taking care of 400 cats all around Albufeira. As a cat lover I find this so heartwarming! I will definitely donate, thanks for your hard work and keep up the good work! Love, Floor