
Detailed Information
Отделение № 1, Межрайонный отдел государственного технического осмотра и регистрации автомототранспортных средств № 1 ГИБДД ГУВД по Новосибирской области
Приличная сволочь (11/04/2020)
Why did you organize a live queue if one ticket is issued every 15 minutes? And while the inspectors sit in the windows and get bored!
Ольга Жермоленко (12/01/2020)
Everything is confusing, first through the window, then to the reconciliation, then again through the window, nobody understands a fig, everyone pokes, they ask each other, the people are dark!
Виктория Борисенко (02/22/2019)
Registered TS through public services. Everything is fast and clear. Not a minute more. Friendly staff, ready to help
Артур Minecraft Play (04/08/2019)
Tired of the endless barking of dogs !!!! Sheepdog that sits on a chain in front of the house 13 constantly barks at night, it is no longer possible to listen ... Take action, transplant this little bastard somewhere far away .... or feed better, maybe she is hungry?
Михаил Журавель (05/15/2019)
The work was better than 2 years ago, but with the voice acting of the operator in the building, everything is bad
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