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  • Monday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
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Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Detskiy Meditsinskiy Tsentr "Aprel
Tatjana Rafeeva (08/29/2020)
Thank you very much to Yanochkina Tatiana Vladimirovna! The child's teeth were cured just fine! We were very worried, since this was the first trip to the dentist. Such an attitude could not even be imagined, so much an approach was found to the child. They all showed, told, even gave it a try, that the child had no fear. He sat down in a chair himself, opened his mouth, and so every time he was treating his teeth. We highly recommend a doctor. Thanks again to Tatyana Vladimirovna !!! This is how I want to see doctors who work with children!
Мария Мельниченко (07/29/2020)
05/28/2020 were at the ophthalmologist Savina's appointment, prescribed treatment and further selection of glasses. When we made an appointment for 07/17/2020 (selection of glasses), I asked the registrar how much the appointment would cost, they answered me 370 rubles. In fact, we were given a receipt for 1240 rubles. When I asked why this is so, I clarified by phone, they answered me that you didn’t come in two weeks, but two months later (although there is no such information on the site, nor the administrator said anything about it). Very unpleasant, please understand.
Dmitriy Zaharovich (11/24/2020)
Делюсь впечатлениями об этой клинике. 2 врача и оба мимо. Первый раз конъюнктивит, решили проверять зрение ребенку при слезящихся глазах...что простите, гной в глазах и красные яблоки и диагностика? Итог - у ребенка плохое зрение, косит глаз, нужна корректировка и тд и тп... Ну ладно, оставил на потом, ну вдруг реально плохое... Через месяц на осмотр к стоматологу и восстановление поломанного зуба, все отлично, восстановление получилось отлично, ну как я это понимал. По итогу осмотра ещё нашли кариес. Ну к чему я всё это пишу, осмотр офтальмологом в другом медцентре через 2 недели занял минут 20 - зрение 1, ребенок отлично все видит, никаких отклонений и тем более косящего глаза. На следующий день,ради принципа, пошли к стоматологу - даже намека нет на кариес и ошибки при реставрации зуба... Спасибо апрельке, что так профессионально разводить умеете на деньги... Дело в принципе, я не напишу фамилий врачей, ничего мне не нужно от них и вас теперь... Моя совесть чиста в отличии от вашей. Клиника отвечает за всех специалистов, а это ваша репутация. Поэтому подумайте несколько раз прежде чем обращаться хотя бы к этим профилям "клиники". Вы детей лечите, а не наши кошельки. Ясен пень, что вам все равно, меньше станет одним пациентом или больше. Спасибо за внимание. UPD: Данные дать для чего? Разбираться в ситуации? Мне деньги не так важны как здоровье ребенка, и мне их возвращать не нужно. Это останется на совести "специалистов"... Если захотите найдете, и мой номер телефона в базе у вас и т.д., просто логику включить надо. Мог бы напрямую вашему шефу позвонить, что сделаю в ближайшее время. Ибо пришли по рекомендации, и вот такой развод... По итогу вы даже написали отзыв не о дочери))))))))) смешные вы однако
Jean Arlertina (12/10/2020)
Many people don't like going to the dentist. It seems that you mentally understand that you need to walk regularly, and not when you already get sick, but you still put off until the last. Our case is special. My son, a seven-year-old child, suffered an injury from a dog attack, which resulted in a split in the front main tooth. It was so awful! How we waited for the appearance of the front permanent teeth! And so they grew up, so smooth, beautiful. And here is such a misfortune. We immediately went to the pediatric dentist, which we could get to, since it was Sunday. If only we could know where trustingly following this doctor’s prescription would lead. And the prescriptions were not easy: do not gnaw anything, do not bite off with your front teeth (in addition to chipping, two teeth also began to stagger from impact when falling), eat only liquid food and do not even brush your teeth in order to avoid loosening damaged teeth. It never occurred to me that the consequences of such an alleged treatment would be so terrible! And the consequences were not long in coming. A month later, when the child began to complain of a toothache, we went to another dentist. On the principle: the opinion of one doctor is good, but two is better. But this dentist did not recommend anything else either. And he tried to treat the child's tooth. I do not presume to assess the professionalism of the doctor, but the child, at the first appointment, barely, in great stress and horror, let the canal be cleaned and the medicine put in, and in the next appointment he did not open his mouth and that's it. My hands dropped. Everything seemed to be a dead end. For two weeks he passed with this incomplete tooth. And I scoured the Internet in search of such children's dentists so that they could find an approach to the child. My heart was bleeding at the sight of my son, shaking with fear and with horror in his eyes, sitting in the dental chair. And I, fortunately, found such a doctor. We made an appointment at the Aprilka Medical Center to see Dr. Vera Anatolyevna Larionova. Our life is divided into before and after. Of course, the miracle did not happen immediately. The child had absolutely no trust in doctors. But slowly it came back. To begin with, the doctor carefully examined the scale of the disaster. It turns out that there are many tricks, psychological tricks that help a child relax. And we began, bit by bit, to restore our son's trust in doctors. Sedation helped a lot. But the scale of the catastrophe was so great that together with the doctor we decided to treat all the teeth at one time under general anesthesia. I understand that there is no need to do anesthesia again. But there are situations when it cannot be otherwise. The teeth had to be rescued urgently; I also really wanted to restore the front stump of the tooth. This work is filigree. If the child is restless in the chair, this is extremely difficult to do. I positively tuned the child up, encouraged, tried my best not to show my own concern. When my son fell asleep, I was there, holding his hand so that he was comfortable. And then the hands of the sorcerer-dentist treated my child's teeth for almost three hours. Waiting outside the door would be very stressful for me. On the recommendation of the doctor, I went for a walk. It was raining, the weather was just right for the mood. I went to a cafe, sat for more than an hour with a cup of coffee, called my friends to pass the time. Exactly at the promised time, the operation ended. After the treatment, the child was transferred to a cozy ward. We were alone. Everything is very light, clean, thought out. Soon the son began to come to his senses. He was very thirsty, he was inhibited, but an hour later he finally woke up and cheered up. And we, joyful that everything was behind us, went home. The result exceeded all expectations! A few weeks later we came back for an appointment. The child had already calmly sat down in a chair, allowed himself to be examined. A start. Now my son is not afraid of dentists, and most importantly, all his teeth are healthy. Vera Anatolyevna gave recommendations on dental care. And my son now wants to become a dentist))) Who knows ... Many thanks to the medical center Aprilka and personally to the children's miracle dentist Vera Anatolyevna Larionova. Miracles do happen!
Валентина Королёва (12/10/2020)
Excellent staff, individual approach to everyone. We treated our daughter's teeth under anesthesia, and were satisfied.
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