
Detailed Information
Strannik, Turistskiy Tsentr
Strannik, Turistskiy Tsentr
Strannik, Turistskiy Tsentr
Strannik, Turistskiy Tsentr
Strannik, Turistskiy Tsentr
Natasha GOR (07/30/2020)
Disgusting service! I left a request and an advance payment a month before the hike (02.07), specially asked for leave from work for the sake of the trip. As a result, the segment came on 30.07 to deposit the remaining amount for the trip, and they tell me that this trip will not happen, ALTHOUGH the route on this website is still on fire (from Anna to Bobrov (13.08-19.08) .And no one bothered me in a month They didn't even find a form about this trip, because, apparently, there is no control in the organization: everything is like in the Soviet era on pieces of paper that are lost and never found again. In other words, if you don't want to ruin your vacation and go camping adequately, without force majeure, choose another organization !!! NOT "WANDERER"
Данил Семенов (08/07/2020)
Good company, good equipment (new tents, canoes in good condition, etc.), the instructor is simply a Chef from God!
Kopii Alla (06/27/2020)
The guys have interesting tours and affordable prices!
Юрий Человеков (08/19/2020)
Medium Bityug for two days. Very good.
Александр Костюченко (03/20/2019)
Kayaks and catamarans, ascents to the Caucasus mountains and rafting along the rivers of Karelia, flat rivers and rough rapids; The traveler perfectly copes with the organization of active tourism, providing equipment, experienced instructors, catering, roads. Starting from weekend hikes and ending with hikes from a week or more.
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