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Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Церковь Спаса на Ковалеве XIV в
Владимир Суткайтис (08/10/2020)
There is an interesting church not far from Novgorod. She is interesting, first of all, by her fate. Once it was a part of the monastery, during the Great Patriotic War it was almost destroyed, it seemed that unique frescoes were also lost. But under the ruins, many small fragments were found Frescoes. We have developed a unique way of collecting and fixing these fragments ... Now these frescoes are in another museum, but they promise to return them to their native church.
Александр Маричев (11/15/2020)
A magnificent monument. Ancient masters knew how to choose a place and build!
Андрей Крысин (11/04/2020)
1345 year of construction. Just because of this it is worth seeing. So she is also very beautiful
Вадим Губарев (10/14/2020)
It's a shame we didn't get inside. Outwardly, the state is deplorable. Temple of the Byzantine style. When we saw, passing in the direction of the Rurik settlement, for a second it seemed that we were in Greece. Hopefully, it will be completely restored over time.
Виктория «baraSHka» Михеева (09/18/2020)
The church itself is beautiful, it is a pity that it is in such a terrible state. Most of all, it was upsetting that almost all churches in Novgorod belong to the museum ... the entrance is paid, 120-170 rubles per person. To get around everything, you will have to fork out, even if it's together. There is practically nothing to look inside, the shopping center is all in a dilapidated state (but you can donate for the restoration of the temple)
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