
Detailed Information
Пензенский Государственный Педагогический Университет имени В.Г.Белинского
Пензенский Государственный Педагогический Университет имени В.Г.Белинского
Пензенский Государственный Педагогический Университет имени В.Г.Белинского
Пензенский Государственный Педагогический Университет имени В.Г.Белинского
Анна Пчелинцева (10/12/2020)
Phys.car, release 2004 - the best! I remember with nostalgia and joy at the same time!
Ocean Goldblue (06/18/2019)
I learned four years there at the fives at the faculty of foreign languages ​​(English and German) and then came to America no one understood me and I didn’t understand anyone. Retrained for a couple of years. They ought to be able to update the books because in those that they gave us was about the Soviet Union ... Well, what else did not come to Germany, it is terrible to imagine what would have happened. German only begins with the 3rd course. I liked the young teachers very much, the old ones dream of nightmares. Screaming the wrong rules into my head ... it's not good. Would watch TV if there is no possibility to go abroad and talk like everyone else. Of course, if you want to return to the luggage and work as a teacher, then this is the perfect university for you. Here you will learn to dominate dominate and humiliate! Of the benefits: * most of the teachers were pretty :) very grateful for the life lesson. I liked the course of psychology very much and is very grateful to the young teachers, they really enriched me spiritually. * good library and librarians * very beautiful everywhere Of the minuses: * physical education lessons in winter with skis but without sticks - the norm! * very old textbooks - people do not speak like that at all ANYWHERE and have not spoken like SO for 100 years * there is near a psycho hospital and psychos are stalking female students from the bushes - jumping and jumping and someone's cause is in front of your eyes. But you do not worry. They are all harmless :) you laugh at them and they will run away. * There are no guys at all, 200 girls on the stream and 5 guys. On the current wave of pedophilia scandals will be even less. Ideal if you are a lesbian or feminist man-hater. Men will not be here :))
MrAttako (12/02/2017)
Perfect place. He studied before joining PSU. The impressions of the teaching staff are the most positive. However, they say that after the merger with PSU, many good teachers left it from PSPU
Захар Завьялов (zzphoto) (04/09/2016)
Good university. Currently part of Penza State University
Один На Дороге Alone On The Road (05/13/2018)
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