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ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
ГП №52 ДЗМ
Dmitriy Arkadyev (12/21/2020)
Стою на учёте в этой поликлинике с 91 года, т.к. живу напротив, но не был в ней примерно лет 25. И что выяснилось, что диагнозы с детства, например бронхиальная астма, подтвердить невозможно, т.к. карты моей больше не существует, от слова совсем. Теперь даже невозможно восстановить данные о том, чем я переболел в детстве (в карте это было). Прием специалистов крайне примитивный: посетил ЛОРа, он посадил меня на табурет, на котором я сидел 25 лет назад, ровно тот же, и осмотрел мне горло, светив фонариком смартфона! Я наивно думал, что элементарное оборудование уже везде есть. И самое главное, что не желая разобраться в причине, сразу направил меня удалять гланды. Уже в другой поликлинике выяснили причину воспаления горла, и вовсе не по причине гланд, а из-за ЖКТ. Вывод, поликлиника подойдёт только тем, кому нужен рецепт, физиотерапия или больничный, но без квалифицированной консультации.
Alex K. (10/17/2020)
Doctor comrades! Why do you work here if you hate people? You are working with the idea of ​​"leave me alone!" You have no desire to help people! You didn’t help me personally, but at the same time you get the OMS money. By your similar attitude to the sick, you deprive the patient of the chance to survive and recover. Your actions are anti-social! You are sowing discord and mistrust in doctors who have come to work by calling. You are tarnishing the reputation of medicine!
Пояркова Валентина Пояркова (09/28/2020)
It is difficult to find words .... It is very difficult to make an appointment with therapists. The reception time is 12-15 minutes, half of which is spent not on the patient ... Either the program does not work, freezes, then the printer does not print ... Therefore, the doctors are twitchy, irritated ... Why, having an electronic referral for tests, sign up you can only on Mondays, and you have to come to 7 o'clock in the morning and take a queue on the street. At 7:30 the doors are opened and people fill the lobby in front of the terminals ... What is the distance there? .... Why not adjust the doors in the passenger elevator? For several years this problem ... People do not have time to enter the cab, the doors close quickly, push sensitively ..., no buttons help. The furniture in the corridors will be replaced, most likely after repairs .... In the meantime, it is very unsightly. Thank you for the toilets now working on every floor. I would like to note that the cleaning is carried out very carefully. Purely ALWAYS! Nicely.
SFmusic_official SF (10/07/2020)
The service is very good and fast. Of course, it's annoying to sit in the corridor for a long time, wait in line ... The employees do everything for fast and comfortable service, they are competent and polite! Thank you very much, health and good luck to you!
Дмитрий Конякин (DimkaPRO) (09/29/2020)
This is a complete w. It's like I'm a client, and they are. I wish the hospital staff that when they need an ambulance, she also went on a half-hour break. And this is not an isolated case, the attitude in 90 percent of cases is the most boorish.
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