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Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Городская больница № 15
Михаил Первушин (12/24/2020)
On 24.12, the pregnant wife was brought by ambulance. Ankle injury. Anything from sprain to fracture can be assumed. The doctor demanded to write a refusal to hospitalize, threatening to leave her for a day to bypass all the doctors in a circle. The doctor's words: "We did not invite you here, you yourself came." The doctor did not introduce himself, there was no badge. They put a knee splint on my wife, so much so that the joint was fixed crookedly and thrown out into the street without a diagnosis, papers or something else ... I know that many doctors now perform feats in their places, but here I would like to find out the name of this freak. By the way, on the website of their hospital there are only laudatory reviews. Such moderation does not pass, apparently.
Марта Сахарных (11/07/2020)
6/11/2020 my mom,. was admitted to the city hospital №15 (avant-garde building 4). Based on CT scan results, she has pneumonia, CT-2. She is a disabled person of the 1st group, hemodialysis patient. From 14.00, she was put, (in the corridor) at department 8 (cardiological) tests were not taken, the test for covid was not done, treatment was not started, the medical history was not studied. She has pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, foci on the lung. The doctors did not compare with the previous CT scan, perhaps they made an erroneous diagnosis at the moment, not taking into account the whole picture of her health. The nurses are rude, do not fit, they refused to ask to close the window, because she was in the corridor opposite the window. After calling the hotline, they came to put on an IV and almost KILLED! Well able to clarify what was going to drip, (potassium + magnesium) she fought back. For patients on hemodialysis, increased potassium = cardiac arrest. If the doctors are not compliant, let them study the medical history first! In the evening they gave a jar for urine (which people on dialysis do not have) if doctors are not educated there is nothing to treat people!
Виктория Рудницкая (09/18/2020)
Hell's branch in St. Petersburg On September 15, my mother passed away, she died in the 15th hospital on Avangardnaya. In addition to endless grief, I feel incredible anger at the organizational process in the hospital for working with patients with covid and their families. Mom arrived at the 15th hospital on September 7th from the 26th hospital. Since she was immediately in intensive care, there was no connection with her, we did not know the department where she was put. At 21:00 on the same day, the information desk said that a patient with such a surname was not in the hospital, the next morning they refused to report her being in the hospital by phone, and they urged to come in person. It was possible to communicate with the doctor about the patient's condition only PERSONALLY at exactly 15:00 on the street at the entrance to the 6th building of the hospital, given over to patients with covid, every day except weekends and holidays. My father and I agreed to go every other day, he is 100 km away, I'm from the Primorsky district. On September 15, it was my turn and I arrived earlier at 2:30 pm to be the first to talk to the doctor and not hear what the relatives of other patients in intensive care are saying, because this is a living hell on earth. During these trips, I have not heard a single message from a doctor that a person has become better and is recovering. At 15:00, the head nurse came out and told everyone that there would be no conversation today, since the doctor had left on urgent matters, another doctor was busy with patients, and she was not authorized to report on the condition of patients, so come tomorrow. All the relatives dispersed without indignation, except me. I found out who the chief medical officer is. hospital, found his office, found out that he was in operation, found the head nurse at the hospital. This woman turned out to be sympathetic and phoned about 5 people in front of me to find out about my mother's health, sent me to wait for the doctor again at the building. At 4:20 pm, a doctor from another department came out and reported the terrible news ... The organizational aspects of the funeral are also a separate type of bullying. A hospital death certificate can be issued for up to 10 days. If the covid is confirmed posthumously, then the funeral will only be in a closed coffin. But that's not all. Apparently, in the opinion of the hospital's management, the relatives suffered little and should suffer even more. You can pick up the personal belongings of the deceased from 11 to 12:00 by writing a corresponding statement. By the way, in the administrative building, the hospital staff are very sympathetic and pleasant. But at the hospital building you find yourself in another dimension. To pick up things, you need to go to the same ill-fated building and wait for things to be taken out. 15-30-40 minutes of waiting in the drizzling rain ... how long does it take to find and take things out? Hour! Despite the fact that I arrived at a specially allotted (allegedly) time for this. I stood outside the hospital in the drizzling rain for an hour! They gave me valuable things and jewelry. As for clothes, medicines, notebook, they could not be found. Today, September 18, the result of the posthumous test for covid was ready and it was possible to come to pick up the death certificate from 14 to 15:00. As I understand it, all relatives of those who died from covid-19 were asked to come in one dress. Guess what time we got the certificate? AT 16:00. 1 hour 45 minutes my father and I were in the morgue IN QUEUE to get the document. But the most surprising thing is that the date of death was still on 14.09 13:45. Let me remind you that on September 14, no one told us about this, the father talked personally with the doctor on September 14 at 15:30 and he said that the mother's body was fighting, but in fact she was no longer alive. On the 15th we were sent home and refused to provide information about the situation. I observed a similar situation with other relatives in the queue for an interview with a doctor; poor people were informed on Monday that their relatives were gone on Friday (or maybe even earlier). If you decide to die, you'd better choose another hospital.
Иван С (06/25/2020)
I got to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery to EA Podkovyrkin at the beginning of May 2020 with the extraction of a complex tooth - surgeons from private clinics did not undertake to remove the tooth because from the tooth there were dilapidated roots that were very close to the facial nerve - they said that we could try, but if something goes wrong, you still have to go to ChLH. The situation at the ChLH department certainly requires repair and beautification, but you don’t think about it at such moments. The procedure lasted about 1.5 hours and everything went well, thanks to the doctor - master of his craft.
Семен Ефимов (07/23/2020)
I was in this hospital with a 2-sided fracture of the jaw, I want to express my gratitude to the maxillofacial surgeons! Real masters, as well as all the nurses and staff, a pleasant atmosphere, all friendly, good people. These professional surgeons need better conditions for their operations !! And our state assumes money ((
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